Chapter 10: Moonlit Affair

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"Lag-, I Darrow will ú- róv- limb longer." Etherial voices woke Madelynn from her sickened haze. The white light of the afternoon sun made the room look pure as heaven. "Please tell me I have not joined my ancestors." She groaned, feeling sick to her stomach as she spoke. One of the healers who had managed to draw most of the poison out came to her side and placed a damp lukewarm cloth over her forehead. "It is not so, you are still with us on this side of our realm." He spoke softly. Madelynn said nothing back. The only thing she wanted was rest and to tell Thorin how sorry she was. Sorry for not listening, and sorry for coming along on this quest. The healer and his assistants cleaned up the space that had been used for cleaning her wound. She noticed there was blood lining the white cloths, and some blood on the floor not far from her bed. The dark crimson color worried her, she had bled heavily. "Rest now. You are safe." The healer bowed as he left the room, and Madelynn was now alone in the angelic room, and her thoughts. "This must be the haven of Rivendell." She thought, shifting her eyes to the sight just outside her open balcony window. The summer season was coming to a close. The air was now changing. The crispness in the breeze chilled her a little, making her cover up with the snow white goose feather comforter. "Oh, Thorin." She sighed as she closed her eyes and fell into a dreadful slumber.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Thorin roared as the group entered the realm of Rivendell. The lord of this land. Elrond, came forward, still saddled on his hunting horse. "The Darrow dame is who you speak of master dwarf?" Elrond's calm demeanor made Thorin seethe with hate towards the elf lord. "Aye, now what have you done with her?" He clenched his jaw, doing his best to remain composed in the current circumstances. "And where would she be? Lord of Rivendell." Elrond dismounted his horse, waving his servant to clean and put the horse away. "She is safe. She is in our healing wing, under the best care we have to offer in Rivendell." He stared at Thorin, watching his scowl soften if only by a little. "I welcome you Thorin, son of Thrain. Im offer cin aes, shelter, a a near na post an sui an sui cin iest." Elrond said in the Sindarin tongue. "What is he sayin'? DOES HE OFFER US INSULT?!" Gloin bellowed while at the same time lifting his weapon in offense and riling up the band of dwarves. Gandalf rolled his eyes. "No master Glion. I believe he offers you food." Gloin's countenance changed immediately. "Well, then. Lead the way."

The night grew late. The full moon rose over the valley of Rivendell. The company had made camp in a gazebo as the dwarves didn't care for the graceful accommodations of the elves. After Thorin had went with lord Elrond to read the moon map, he found himself wandering the healing wing, looking for Madelynn. He noticed many of Elrond's men had been sent in for checks, making sure they weren't hurt from the hunt. Thorin had swallowed his pride long enough to ask one of the healers for Madelynn's room. Soon the Mountain king found it. He lightly knocked on the white elegantly carved door. There was no answer. He turned the knob slowly, gently pushing the door in. He saw her, wrapped in the pale moonlight on the balcony looking out of her room. Her torn brown shawl just below her uncovered shoulders. She looked like an angel to Thorin. Her hair was a bit messy, but it did not take away from the sight that was the Red Apothecary.

"Hello, Mizimith." His hand touched her shoulder, her head turning back slowly to meet his soft stare. No anger came from him, only solace and comfort. "I am not so young any more Thorin. Neither are you." A tender smile curling at her lips as her stormy green eyes looked fully into his. "You will always be my young jewel." His hand softly caressing her cheek. Thorin said nothing for a long while, and finally looked away. This thought was foolish, and so much to ask of her. Especially after all he had put her through their entire lives. "Madelynn. Amrâlimê. Marry me this night." He took her hand and kissed it lightly. She gave it some thought. Of course she'd marry him.  "Of course I will wed you. Why so suddenly?" She drew closer to him, their words becoming no more than murmurs on the autumn air. "I was close to losing you this day. Never again do I wish to feel such agony for the one that has my heart." These words had made the dwarrow tear up, a tear sliding down her face. "So will you be my one and only? Till these days are over, and we return to stone?" His voice low and almost gravelly. "Yes..." she closed her eyes and waited for a moment. He gave her a kiss on her brow, and left the room. "Meet me at the pavilion. I will gather the others." He left the room, leaving Madelynn by herself.

The moonlight had now overshadowed the entire realm of Rivendell. The white light almost being as the day light. Maybe Mahal was blessing the mountain King and his bride. The path to the pavilion was clear, fresh green grass was lit by the few torches they had on hand. Madelynn wore a silky white robe that had been given to her earlier in the healing wing. It was elegant enough for her to wear as a wedding garment, she thought at least. Her hair was simply adorned with flowers that the healers had put on her dresser. As she walked down the grassy path bare foot, the Company had lined the path, humming deeply, but softly. The moons glow setting the mood further. Throin looked out onto the path, seeing her practically illuminated. His face lit up with a delicate smile. When she met with him, he took her hand in his. Giving her a ring of black stone, one that was his fathers. "With this ring I give you my home, my family, and everything that I am." He said, as the others remained silent, watching the ceremony. He grabbed two sections of her hair, along with one of his own, weaving them together, before he took a knife and cut his strands of his hair away. Madelynn did the same for Thorin. "With this braid, we become one. Every dwarf here will know you are mine, and I yours." He took her hand in his, kissing it softly, earning a slight happy sigh from Bilbo at watching the two. Lastly, Madelynn took the flowers that were entangled in her hair, making her simple style fall down her arms and shoulders. "With this rose, I give to you my love, and life. Even if it maybe short lived. You will always be mine." He took the rose and plucked a petal from it, crushing it between his fingers and smelling the aroma. "May mahal and our ancestors find pleasure in our union." He said, gently tilting her head up to his. Their lips met with a bit of passion that both had thought was once gone, but it was not so. They pulled away from one another and looked to the company. All had broad smiles among their faces. They clapped and some of them even shouted. Thorin gave his arm to Madelynn as the walked from the pavilion hugging each member of the group as they went down. The company gave their blessings and well wishes to the couple, even if they married under most strange circumstances.

Thorin led Madelynn to his temporary chambers. And they were not seen until dawn the next day.

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