Chapter 1

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The wonderful sound of your alarm clock begging at you to wake up echoed through out your room, resulting for you to unfortunately leave the comforts of your blanket and press the off button.

Sighing in relief as you got rid of the noise, you went back to snuggling in your blanket... That is until...

The peaceful moment was ruined by none other than your brother Katsu, who was glaring at your sleeping form.

"(f/n) you lazy head wake up!!!" Your brother yelled, keep in mind, IT'S EARLY IN THE MORNING.

Huffing in annoyance you got up to throw a pillow at his face and laid back down, the pillow you've threw was now resting at your brothers feet.

"Five more minutes" you whined.

"Five more minutes your ass, get up or we'll be late" Hissed Katsu before slamming your bedroom door shut.

"Rude" You remarked.

You groaned and got out of bed and went into the bathroom to fix your morning face.

Reminding yourself and your friends  to not prank your coach, if it weren't for your friends idea you wouldn't be in hell right now, your arms hurt along with your legs due to muscle cramps.

Sighing you went down to eat breakfast, right after that you hurriedly brushed your teeth, bid your parents goodbye and put your school shoes on. Your brother was impatiently waiting outside tapping his foot and muttering curse words towards you.

As your figure appeared at the door, he sighed in relief and glared at you.

"Took you long enough dumbass of a Queen" He remarked resulting for your palm to come in contact with his shoulders, keep in mind... You're a volleyball player.

That's definitely gonna leave a little mark...

"Sorry asshole, though I would appreciate it if you dont call me Queen in public" You neared his ear and whisper.

"That is if you want to go to school with your head still in tact" you threatened, but he seemed unfaze anyways, in which ticked you off.

Deciding to just let it go you walked away, leaving your smug brother.

As much as the nickname "Queen" flatters you, you'd still prefer to be called by your name since the nickname Queen confuses some people, while others disagrees with that title. Just jealous people not happy with your success I guess...

"Hey shithead! Are you gonna fasten up your pace or what? I'm gonna be late for morning practice!" You shouted as he was a bit behind you.

"coming coming sheesh (f/n) calm down"

. . .

Morning Practice was finally over, you gathered your things before heading to class.

Bidding goodbye to your Kohai and Senpai's you walk out of the gym and walk to the school campus.

"(f/n)-chan wait for me!~" A voice called out to you, you sigh and turn around and was meet by a bone crushing hug by your brunette friend Midori Konami, one of your teams best middle blocker.

"Konami" You greeted with a warm smile, returning the tight embrace of your friend.

"Lets get to class or we'll be late!" Said the brunette before letting go of the hug.

You nodded your head and walk to class with a very noisy brown haired girl walking by your side.

As you were walking to your peers greeted you and Konami on the way to your class some even gave you letters of admiration. You could say you were the girl version of Oikawa Tooru, minus the fan club and fanfics of course.

Queen Of The Court [Kageyama Tobio X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now