Chapter 11

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Lying down on your bed, you were deep in thought while you held your teddy bear up high, staring at its lifeless eyes.

"Oh (teddy bears name) what am I going to do?"

"stop talking to a stuff bear and get  some real friends?" Another voice chimed in, you dropped the stuff animal and face who the person was.

"KATSU DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!" You screamed, embarrassed by the fact that he caught you talking to a toy.

"Well don't you know how to lock a door?" He retort, crossing his arms.

"Touché" You replied before lying back down, your brother then headed his way over to you and placed himself at the edge of your bed.

"I've heard that you were invited to a training camp, Have you think it through?" Questioned your older brother, causing you to sigh and turn to your sides, your back facing him.

"Yes" you answered blandly, hugging your stuff bear tighter.


"I don't know should I? I mean if I go I can not only improve myself and my team, but I can also help the ones who needs my help" You explained.


"I don't want to leave my team when they needed me the most, the Spring Tournament is coming up" You faced him.

"You're a good leader (f/n) but not good enough, you're indecisive and stubborn" Remarked the brunette.

You stood up from your bed and glare at him, but not saying a word since he was on to something, he always was.

Whenever you needed help the most he was always there to give you advice, and is never afraid to speak his mind, he's harsh yes but it got you through to a lot of things, he never was the one to sugarcoat words.

"Being a good leader (f/n) is also making sacrifices, help people in need and..." He trailed off as he approached you.

"Letting other people grow" You looked at him, confuse.

"What do you mean?"

"As a leader, your team needs guidance. (f/n) you can't help the ones who are already capable of helping themselves, help the ones who really needs it" He was making a point for sure, but that somehow angered you of how true it is.

"so what you're saying is i should just leave them?" You bitterly responded, Katsu was quick to notice.

"No. I'm saying is to put your trust in them"

The two of you stayed quiet for a moment, letting the words sink in.

"You're right..." You answered causing Katsu to smile at you, proud he knocked some sense into you.

"Thanks Katsu, if it weren't for you, I'd still be moping around in my room"

"Yeah you better thank me, I became a full on Philosopher there and you know how much I despise Philosophy" Spat Katsu his face turning into disgust.

"Hey! You were the one coming into my room WITHOUT KNOCKING and giving me advice" You threw your stuff bear at him, in which he caught it with ease.

"For a volleyball player, your aim is terrible"

"That's because I'm sitting dumbass!"

"Whatever, dinner is ready. Last one there gets to do the dishes!!!" He sprinted out of your room, you following after.



"sorry mom"

. . .

You walked to your first class, earphones in and book in hand. As you walked in the long hallways of the school, you were once again greeted by your cheerful of a friend.

"Morning (f/n)!" Konami beam at you.

"Well Good Morning to you too Konami" You greeted back making her smile grew wider.

"So... Are you going???" She questioned, eager to know your answer.

"Yes I am, how long am I staying there?" You ask not knowing how many weeks you'll be staying there.

"Three weeks" She answered, resulting for you to choke on your own saliva.

"WHAT?!" You shouted, gaining the attention of a few students but you didn't care.

"Three weeks?! By the time I'll be back it's gonna be the Spring Tournament!!!" You panicked, pacing back and forth in the hallway while occasionally biting your nails.

"(n/n) we'll be fine, don't you trust us?" She asked as she stopped you from pacing around.

Trust huh?

You recalled your brothers advice last night, heaving out a defeated sigh you face Konami.

"I do" You sincerely answered.

"We wont disappoint you captain" Another voice piped in, Nami(middle blocker).

"I'm sure you wont"

. . . .

The sweaty volleyball players placed themselves on the floor as their coach had called them all for a meeting regarding of the training camp.

"I'm sure you're all aware that training camp is next week" Their coach reminded making the boys nod their head as a response.

"A star player will be joining you all" Announced the coach, perking up their interest as to who this star player was.

"Who is it coach?" The bed haired male questioned as he rested his chin on the palm of his hands.

"You'll find out about her soon, she will help all of you improve your skills since she went to abroad to improve her skills but that doesn't mean that she wont be learning from all of you as well" He added.

"Her?" Asked Kuroo once more.

"Yes, now go back to practice. You don't want to disappoint her"

All of them obediently obliged and head towards the court to continue their practice.

All of them, curious to know who this person was. Alongside the rest of the teams who were informed with the same news.

Well wouldn't you like to know. . .

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