Chapter 17

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The day has almost ended with the two first years nowhere in sight. You sigh in dismay, disappointed to not see the two playing the game.

You approached one of Fukurodani's manager on where the bathroom was, she gave you a clear instruction on where it was and even asked to accompany you in which you politely declined since you want to be alone as of the moment.

You excused yourself from the managers and begin your way to the bathroom, with your phone in hand and your notes safely held by Karasuno's young manager, Yatchi.

. . .

And by the time you got out of the gym, Hinata and Kageyama had just arrived with the help of Tanaka's older sister.

The two quickly changed into their jerseys and entered the court. And once again, the opposing team was distracted yet again by the duo's quick. And for the first time that day, Karasuno one.

Suga let out a relieve sigh knowing that they dont have to do diving drills.

M e a n w h i l e . . .

"Why am I even upset?" You ask yourself before slapping your cheeks.

"Whatever. I don't care anyway" Lies. You knew those were straight up lies yet you chose to be in denial with your feelings.

"I have far better things to do than just getting upset by a boy who didn't made it in the Training camp" You advice yourself, composing yourself before heading out the bathroom.

Back at the gym they were taking a break for the day.

But since Hinata and Kageyama had just arrived, they were individually practising alongside Asahi, Nishinoya, Daichi and well everyone.

Asahi was trying to improve his spikes in the game, as he served the ball with so much force it went flying again to the gym doors, which was slowly opened by (f/n) herself.

You were to busy gathering your thoughts you didn't notice the spherical object flying its way towards you.

"(l/n)-san watch out!" Warned Daichi but you hadn't heard it, for your thoughts were louder than everyone's voices in the gym.

A loud smack echoed in the gymnasium, silencing everyone. Asahi looked like he was about to passed out, Kuroo was at the bench silently laughing at your misfortune.

"Not again..." You groaned and rubbed your nose, where the ball had perfectly landed. You sighed once more and picked up the ball and look around the gym, your eyes then landing on Karasuno's third year ace, who was shaking to the core, face pale with beads of sweat running down his forehead.

Everyone was still quiet however, and the silence was scaring you.

"Oh carry on everyone! I'm fine" And with that they directed their attention to other things, you then approached Asahi.

"Asahi-san I believe you lost something" You chuckled lightly and handed him the ball. "Are you ok? You looked like you've seen a ghost of some sort"

"A-are you okay (l-l/n)-san?" He stammered.

"I'm alright. Are you though?" You ask concern, he was shaking really bad. You took a mental note that he alongside Hinata must be protected at all cost.

"I-i just h-hit your f-face. I'M SO SORRY" He bowed at you dozen of times while also muttering thousands of apologies.

"Whoah calm down Asahi! I'm pretty much immune to this. Konami isn't really good at receiving" You laughed, recalling how Konami hit you or Izumi's face hundreds of times.

"Achoo!" Sneezed Konami in the middle of serving.

"Gesundheit" Said everyone on the team.

"Back to practice everyone!" You announced, all of them obliged immediately.

You head back to the benches to take note of the teams once more. Takeda and Yatchi immediately tended to your care to check if you were alright. And to be perfectly honest, the throbbing pain of your nose was still there, yet you manage to compose yourself.

"Are you alright (l/n)-san? We can take you to the clinic" Say Karasuno's other manager, Kiyoko.

"Ah there is no need to! I am perfectly fine" You dismissed, all of them respected your decision and carry on from preparing the players beverages and towels.

You sighed once more and continued observing all the players, that is until your eyes landed on the raven haired first year setter, who was practising his sets.

"Drop sets huh?" You muse, remembering your friend Izumi who uses this type of technique.

This was your chance to finally talk to him and get to know him better.

"Hold up what?" You say to yourself, the apple of your cheeks turning bright red at the thought.

"Is there something wrong (l/n)-san?" Yuki asked as she noticed your bothered state.

"O-oh yes yes! I'm fine just a little hot that's all" Although the windows and doors were wide open. Yuki decided not to question you any further and just left you alone, relieving you.

"Ok here I go" You pranced your way towards the setter, with your heart beating fast. He didn't seemed to notice you as he was a little busy with placing the water bottles to guide him where the ball should landed.

You set your clipboard down and decided to surprise him, just as he set the ball you positioned yourself before spiking the ball at the other side of the court, catching him off guard.

"Not bad Kageyama but it still needs improvements though" You say with an impressed look.

"A-ah thank you (l/n)-san!" He bowed to not show his red face, his heart as well was beating fast on his chest, butterflies flutter on his stomach.

Ok ok I'm gonna ask him to toss for me, don't screw this up (f/n)

"I-if it's alright with you, can you toss for me?" Nailed it.

You were hoping for a yes.

But what you got as a response was silence.

That was so stupid I shouldn't have asked.

"It's ok If you cant I get that you want to focus and all and yeah haha–"

"Yes you can practice with me!" He answered rather loudly, catching his teammates attention.

"O-oh thanks! I mean great haha" You chuckle awkwardly and turned away from him to get a ball, your face bright red.

Why am I stammering so much?!?!

And from afar... The team watched in amusement of their awkward encounter.

"They really are meant for each other don't you think?" Mused the silver haired setter, a warm smile on his face.

"They are" Answered Daichi, as he too smiled at the two.

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