Chapter 4

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Groaning slightly in your bed, you stir at your sleep and face the window, only to be greeted by the shining sun in a Saturday morning, hissing like a la vampire you quickly cover your face with the blanket, reaching for your phone from the night stand,
to check what time it is.

7:56 am.

You silently groan and got up, today's Saturday the practice match with the boys volleyball club. You stretch your limb and made your way to the bathroom to fix your face.

Once you were done you made your way downstairs eat breakfast and brush your teeth and out the door only to be stopped by your brother.

"You're early I thought practice starts at 10?" He ask while you were putting on your shoes.

"Well we have a practice match, it's a boys vs girls match though so it would be interesting, it's been awhile since we have a match with a boys team" You sigh as you successfully tied your shoelace.

"What school?"

"Karasuno" You mumbled.

"Wait that school?" He said in utter disbelief making you confuse.

"Yeah why? You had a problem with that?" You said and look at him straight in the eyes.

"That school is a powerhouse once but without the former coach they were called 'The Fallen Powerhouse' and 'The Flightless Crows' " He said and shook his head as if he was a bit disappointed that such team was competing with yours, and that somehow ticked you off. "What?"

"Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that. The only flightless crow I see here is you. Rumors won't ever change my perspective towards this team. And if you believe in such rumors, you ought to join the flat earther's community then" You remarked.

"That was uncalled for!!!" Katsu barked back.

"your stupid face is uncalled for" you spat back at him.

"What Im trying to say here is that just because they're called like that, that doesn't mean that they couldn't change their ways in playing" You said to the (h/c) haired male and gave him a smile. He rolled his eyes at your wise advice before ruffling your hair.

"It pains me to say this but I agree with you.... For once" Katsu mumbled, his eyes not meeting yours, to denial to think you were right.

"I gotta go coach is gonna give me a punishment that involves killing me in the process so see ya later shithead" You then punched his shoulders before running off before Katsu can pinch your cheeks.



[Karasuno's Bus]

Everyone in the bus were in their own world.

Their teacher Takeda Ittetsu was driving while talking to the coach of the club Ukai Keishin.

Nothing interesting just talking about the teams mistake that's all.

The orange haired middle blocker though was beyond excited he was competing with a girls team, very interesting.

The bus came to a stop signalling that they have arrive at their destination, they got out of the bus and face the school which was similar to Aoba Josai but a bit bigger.

The boys was immediately greeted by two females, the other having glasses on with her light brown hair tied into a messy bun, while the other has her black hair tied into a high pony tail.

Once the coach and the administrator of the club got out of the bus, the girls must have guessed that they're the coach and administrator cause they approached them only to be stopped; since the two second years were flirting and wanted their attention, they ignored this and continued walking towards the two adults.

"Greetings you must be the Karasuno am I right?" the black haired lady questioned her face strict, her voice lacing with authority.

"Yes" Takeda answered. "Im Takeda Ittetsu the administrator of the club and this is Ukai Keishin the Coach, and these are the managers Yatchi Hitoka and Kiyoko Shimizu" He introduced which the two greeted back.

"Im Hairi Rina the coach and this is Matsuyo Ayami the manager of the club it's a pleasure to have you here" She kindly said and bowed.

On cue the brunette middle blocker made her way to the school gates, too busy on her phone to even notice the group of boys besides her.

"Wait you're the girl that we encountered last night!" Hinata pointed at your best friend making the captain and vice captain face palm of Hinata's rudeness. Konami just gave them a sheepish smile and continued her way to the gym.

"Midori-san!" Your coach called making her stopped in her tracks and face the coach.

"Yes coach?" She politely ask.

"Take the boys to the gym while I talk to the coach and managers alright?" She ordered, Konami happily obliged and motion the boys to follow her.

She escorted them to the gym which was awkward cause it was silent except for the whisper yelling of Hinata and Kageyama who was calling names in the quarrel.

"So how are you guys?" She started, breaking the thick and heavy atmosphere.

"We're good, thank you for asking" Daichi politely answered. "I believe you were the one who we talked to last night, correct?"

Midori sheepishly chuckled and mumbled a 'Yup'.

"Wait if you were- then that other girl who didn't introduce herself was (l/n) (f/n)!" Hinata said in full realisation.

"Yeah you got that right" Konami answered and chuckle at his cuteness.

"So wait if that was her you mean she hear-"

"Yup she heard you guys alright and she found it very amusing" Laughed Konami.

Finally they reached the gym.

Everyone except you were already there, Midori sigh and took a mental note that she would probably scold you for staying up late due to the reading of fan fictions. Midori can be childish but she can be mature at times, and at times like this it was a rare one.

"Good morning" They greeted in unison, all of the girls stopped on what they were doing and greeted back.

"Eh? (f/n) didn't come with you?" Izumi ask the middle blocker.

"Nope" She answered and pick up some stray balls before spiking it.

The boys were warming up, and Hinata was practicing on blocking, and he wasn't doing well due to the other people judging his height and such but he didn't mind since he can jump high that's for sure.

Kageyama tossed the ball signalling for Hinata to spike it, Hinata proudly jumped resulting for the peoples eyes to widen and stared in awe, the ball was blocked and with so much force put into spiking it went flying over to the gym door who was opened by none other than the (h/c) haired girl herself.

"Good mor-"


The sound of the ball making its contact with her face echoed through out the room, silencing everyone.

"Good morning to you too"

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