Chapter 16

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Week One. . .

Day One. . .

You arrive at Tokyo little bit late because Konami decided it was a good idea to stop by every gas store to buy snacks.

You and your friends exited the white van, stretching a bit due to how long the trip was. All of the coaches were patiently waiting for you and your coach by the entrance of the gym, upon your arrival they all greeted all of you with welcoming smiles.

"Ah its good to see you again Hairi-san" Nekomata-sensei greeted along with the other coaches.

"Thank you for accepting our invitation (l/n)-san, it is an honor having you here" He politely greeted and bowed, you bowed as well to show your respect.

"Thank you for the opportunity. It is also an honor to be here" You answered respectfully.

"Well we better get going (f/n), we'll see you in three weeks" Izumi bid goodbye.

Your breathing hitch, still anxious to the new environment around you. Your two friends immediately took notice of your bothered expression and immediately tend to your care.

"(f/n) relax, you're gonna be ok. We're gonna be ok" Konami reassured, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder letting your mind calm down.

"Yeah... Don't cause too much trouble when I'm away ok Konami?" Konami immediately removed her hands from your shoulder and turn away from you.

"You're saying that like I'm a child!" She stomped her foot and pouted.

"Cause you are" Added Izumi, her face bored and blank.

"Your insults are uncalled for. I hate you people!" She shouted before boarding the van.

"You sure you're gonna be ok?" Asked Izumi, her gray eyes glistening with worry.

"I'll be ok Izumi" I'll be ok.

Satisfied with your answer, she too boarded the van along with your coach.

"Oh (f/n) tell Kuroo I said hi!" Your coach, Hairi requested in which you nodded.

"Sure!" You agreed.

They all gave you one last reassuring look before leaving you at Tokyo.

"Shall we go (l/n)-san?" Nekomata questioned behind you.

"Yes we shall"

And with that he guided you towards the gym.

The gym door slowly slid open, and you were greeted by the squeaking shoes of the players, the coaches were in front of you while you were watching every player play the game.

The managers were kind enough to bring your bag into your room, you took a mental note to ask the managers later to guide you where your room is. But as of now, that was the least of your concern.

All of the coaches stood at the center of the court, you standing behind them. Nekomata-sensei then clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention. 

"Gather around everyone... Our visitor has arrived. Let us all welcome her" Announced Nekomata, your heart was beating so fast you could barely breathe but you remained calm and compose.

"Oh! Where is she?!" The tall silver haired male looked around, excited to see who this mysterious person was.

"I'm right here" You announced and stood at the center. Silencing everyone on the court, making you worry a bit.

"Is it really (l/n) (f/n)?!"

"IT'S (L/N)-SAN!"

"Nishinoya hush"

"There is in no absolute way–"

"Wait who are you?" Asked Lev, genuinely confuse about the hype of your arrival. Everybody went quiet for a second, their eyes embedding on Lev's figure scaring the poor boy.

You cleared your throat and approached Lev and stretch your arm out.

"Greetings. I'm (l/n) (f/n) and you are?" You politely ask.

Lev blushed and took a hold of your hand.

"Lev Haiba. Are you a volleyball player?"

You were about to answer his question when a bed headed male interrupted you both.

"Oh yes she is, She's the best alright but not as best as me! She's one of the best wing spiker in the prefecture"

"Is it true?" Lev ask, his cat like green eyes staring at your (e/c) ones.

"Uh... I wouldn't really say the best out there haha" You sheepishly replied.

"Humble as always midget" Commented Kuroo, ruffling your hair in the process.

"Haha it's nice to see you too Kuroo. I still don't know how Hairi-san puts up with you" you fixed your bun once more.

"Oh she adores me" Said Kuroo.

"Oh i bet she do" You rolled your eyes at him before retreating towards your spot at the center.

"(l/n)-san will be staying with us for three weeks, she will teach us with what she'd learned"

"I hope you take good care of me" You bowed your head.

"Alright back to practice everyone"

And with that they all separated to their own respective spot on the court, you sigh in relief, not too bad for your first day you.

"it seems like you and my player Kuroo already know each other" Nekomata-sensei appeared beside you.

"Oh Kuroo! We're more like acquaintances. Hairi-san and Kuroo are friends" Nekomata-sensei nodded at your explanation before averting his eyes at his team.

You scanned the area as well, your eyes landing on Karasuno having a break, you raised your hand up and happily wave at them, they happily wave back as well.

Your smile faltered a bit, feeling that something wasn't right. You looked at the team once more...

The feeling of utter dismay worsen as you didn't spot the orange haired energetic boy and his best friend.

Where could the two be?

. . . .


So uh hi! Im very sorry for the late updates cause you know Im not in the mood to write, and Im taking a short break but dont worry it wont be long! And Im sorry if the characters are a bit OOC and Im trying to keep them in their own way.

So yeah that is all. Dont forget to vote and follow me!

Bye my minirinas~

. . .

Present me: "A girl?"

Past me: what?

Present me: Really?

Past me: Uh... So how is Hairi and Kuroo friends

Present me: They're internet friends.

Past me: Well how did Reader met Kuroo?

Present me: Kuroo visits Hairi in Miyagi sometimes and reader had bumped into them once or twice.

Past me: Does reader find Kuroo annoying?

Present me: Yes

Past me: Why?

Present me: Kuroo visited Hairi once during practice and it did not end well...

Past me: Ah... They're rivals?

Present me: More likely yes.

Past me: Does Kuroo find reader annoying?

Present me: No, he just likes to tease her and challenge her. Any more questions?

Past me: How are Katsu and Oikawa friends?

Present me: that my friend is a story for another time.

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