2. Skin Test

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Sera's P.O.V.

My body was still full of sleep as I rolled under the bed sheets. My stiff hand pulled the thick brown strands from my face and I scrunched up my button nose. I licked my lips before forcing my brown eyes open.

There staring down at me were two piercing green eyes. Loki's pale skin almost had a glow as the sunlight beamed through the window behind him. His black hair was ruffled and a sleepy smile was placed on his lips. Even though he was resting on his elbow his legs were still tangled with mine and his arm draped across my waist. 

"Morning love." He hummed in his low morning voice. I smiled as he pressed a tender kiss to my lips. "Morning, my very most favorite person in the whole wide universe!" I cooed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

Loki rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him. "Your vocabulary is wonderful darling." Rolling onto my belly I sent him a tired pout. The soft sheets slipped off my exposed shoulders. I had worn a nightgown that looped around my neck so my shoulders felt slightly exposed. 

Loki's gaze remained on me and he licked his bottom lip. "You look beautiful." I furrowed my brown eyebrows and turned my head around. Then with much sass I flung the short tangles in my hair in front of my face and sent him a cheesy smile. "Shank you!" I cooed through smiling teeth.

Loki chuckled warmly before pressing his lips onto mine. He moved closer to me on the mattress and allowed his hands to drift to my waist. He was hovering over me and I had my arms looped around his neck.

I felt magic tickle my wrists and knew he let his Frost Giant take over. His soft lips grew much colder and I used my fire powers to warm my own. A sizzle filled our ears and I smiled against him before pulling away.

"I love you!" I hummed, smiling brightly up at his blue face. The corners of Loki's lips turned up before he lowered himself. His head tucked into the crook of my neck and I could feel his cold breath against my skin. 

Loki smiled into my soft, short hair before pressing a lingering kiss to my neck. "We don't have to get up you know... We could stay here longer." I rolled my brown eyes and gently pushed on his bare chest. 

"Come on you big baby. We have to get up!" 

"But whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy?" He whined like a child. I held back I laugh as he released me and sat up on our bed. "Because, we can't get lazy! We still have to explore the place, we hardly know anything about our home!" He didn't seem satisfied with the answer considering the glare he was sending to the covers.

I shook my head and threw the warm covers off my legs. Just as I was about to stand a harsh wave of nausea flooded my stomach. Like lightning I bolted out of the bed and into our bathroom. 

I flung the door open and lifted the toilet lid. Then I emptied the harsh contents of last night's dinner. It felt like lava riding up my throat and painful tears streamed down my cheeks. I gripped the bowl to keep myself from collapsing of exhaustion. 

Over the pounding in my head I heard Loki's bare feet pad across the floor. His cold hands weaved through my hair and held it back above my neck. I let out one more nasty cough before collapsing onto my knees. 

I felt positively sick as I panted like a dog. My body winced as I forced myself back against the wall. Loki, now in his human form, lowered himself besides me. His arm draped across my shoulders and pulled me into his side. I leaned against him and wiped the tears from my eyes.

My mouth tasted nasty and my stomach still churned. My neck weakly lifted so I could smile into his green eyes. "That wasn't fun." Loki didn't accept my joke and rubbed circles on my knee-cap. 

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