12. Sakaar

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Sera's P.O.V.

Fire spewed all around me as I tried to shield myself. When I lowered my arms my velvet dress was singed which made my lips curl into a frown. I looked around my surrounding and it was like I was on a different planet.

I was covered by a piles and piles of garbage. "Hello!!" I yelled into the open land. As I studied the area closer I saw pieces of ships and buildings that had been broken and smashed into the ground. I pulled my short hair behind my ear as the feeling of being helpless sunk in.

Suddenly something implanted itself into my neck and a painful jolt knocked me out.

{El Magic-o Time-o Skip-o}

My heavy eyes opened and a blaring pain echoed in my head. The room I was in was pitch black and I was in a ridiculously uncomfortable chair. "Fear not for you are found. You are home and there is no going back. No one leaves this place, but what is this place?"

I jumped at the feminine computer's voice. I looked around me and noticed I was in a moving chair. "The answer is... Sakaar!" Planets and worlds were flying past me as the chair slowly sped up.

"Surrounded by cosmic gateways, Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown. It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you!"

I was still in the fire stained green dress and my short hair was resting on my shoulders. My wrists were uncomfortably chained to the arms of the chair and when I realized I couldn't get out, I refocused on what the electronic voice was saying.

"But here on Sakaar you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved. And no one loves you more then the Grandmaster!" The bland AI said. I noticed a large blue shadow of a man popping up before giant buildings. "What the heck?" I grumbled, trying to melt the cuffs with fire.

"He is the original! The first lost and the first found. Creator of Sakaar and father of the contest of champions." The elated music was really getting on my nerves. I groaned in frustration as the cuffs refused to melt. 

"Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are the property of the Grandmaster." I let out a scoff at where the voice was coming from. "Heck to the no! I'm not anyone's property, you idiotic AI!"

Although she only continued with her speech because she wasn't a real person. "Congratulations! You will meet the Grandmaster in 5 seconds,  prepare yourself." The world around me traveled like lightning and all the colors were swirling together. 

"You are now meeting the Grandmaster!" I closed my eyes and screamed as the thought of a horrific beast entered my mind. When I forced my brown orbs open I was in was resembled a throne room. My screaming died down as I focused on the man in front of me.

He had styled grey hair, tan skin, older appearance, and blue paint on parts of his face. He was dressed in a blue and red jump suit with large golden robe draped around him. "Who is she from? It-It is a she?" He asked the brunette woman next to him. 

She scowled but answered his question. "Kelda." Who I assumed to be the Grandmaster nodded. "And what is she for?" The woman beside him glared at me before speaking. "Whatever you need her for and that Kelda said she has another one on the way."

The Grandmaster nodded and his throne moved to the very edge of the steps he was on. He rose from his chair and walked over to face me.  A oddly happy grin found his lips before he spoke. "So! Do we have a new servant? Prize? Contender even?"

I felt my eyes start to flame on. "I'm not a servant, much less a prize. You're going to let me out of here before I have to do this the hard way!!" 

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