14. Protective

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Loki's P.O.V.

"Grandmaster-" I pleaded, growing more angry by the second. He cut me off with a small buzz of electricity in my neck. I groaned in pain and looked down at my knees. The guards had me pinned on my knees against the floor so I couldn't make a break for it. Although it won't stop me from disposing of them. 

Just as the pain stopped he spoke from his throne. "Look.... Lassy, was it?"

"Loki." I growled. The grandmaster rolled his eyes and rose to his feet. "Right, Loki, I know we had a connection before but that ended."  He pointed a tan finger at The ceiling as he continued. "The past is in the past and right now, I don't know you... You don't know me... See?"

I clenched my jaw and pushed the nagging thought of Sera dead out of my brain. "I understand our current relationship or lack there of, and I will do whatever you please, I just need to know if Sera is alive!"

The Grandmaster scratched his chin and quirked an eyebrow. "Sera? Doesn't ring a bell."

"Seraphine Hazeldine and I swear if anything happened to her I will personally insure that your spine is removed from you and plunged through your heart." I let out a growl in my throat and struggled under the guards hold.

The Grandmasters eyes widened before he began pacing in a circle. "Well I wouldnt want that! Seraphine, Sera, Seraphine-Oh! I got it, I know exactly who you're talking about!"

A sarcastic grin found my lips at his words. "Splended, can you take me to her?" The Grandmaster scrunched up his nose. "Here's the thing." He paused to sit back down in his chair.

"No one here calls her that anymore. Here on Sakaar, her name is Blaze." He began to chew at his fingers as his thoughts trailed elswhere. "And Blaze is the best Gladiator I have had since my beloved champion."

I scoffed and allowed my face to contort into confusion. "Gladiator!? You moron, Sera isn't a fighter, she's far to delicate, you'll break her!!"

The Grandmaster laughed and fiddled with the box that inflicted my pain. "If that's what you think then you don't know Blaze. You should see her-Actually you will see her in action up close!

{El Magic-o Time-o Skip-o}

I walked into the waiting area with a scowl on my face. My green eyes flickered to the fighters beside me before I adjusted my clothes. I was wearing a tight, black, leather outfit with green highlights. My daggers had been polished and were now safely in my belt but I was certain I wouldn't need them until later. 

I focused my green eyes out the caged hole in the wall to get a good look at the area. A battle had just ended and the crowd was roaring. Then the Grandmaster's voice filled the speakers. "Wow! Hello people of Sakaar, I hope you enjoyed that last fight. Haha, uh-next up we have the main event."

At his words the crowd got even louder. I looked around and in confusion. "Oh yes, you know who she is! She's the queen of the ring, rage of war, fire in the night! I give you-........"

The door across the arena opened and a woman stepped out. "Blaze!!!" My jaw nearly fell on the floor at the thought of that being Sera. She had dark brown eyes and determination in her eyes. Her defined curves were wrapped in a orange and yellow dress that spiraled into a flame at the skirt. 

Her long hair was on top of her head and in a thick braid but even then it fell past her knees. I grabbed onto the bars that were on the window in attempts to reach her. Although she didn't even see me as she looked around at the crowd. 

I couldn't get a close look at her but something felt off. I couldn't place it before a second gate opened. A large beast stepped out from this one and he didn't look happy in the slightest. He was about 7 foot and had skin the color of tar. The eyes in his head were a dark purple and he held a large, spiked, stick in his hands.

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