Chapter 17

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*not edited*

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I wake up with a massive head ache and a sore body. what the hell happened last night? I remember how it all unfolded. I got drunk and i dragged harry to dance with me. I think.

I try to think harder into the memories to see what else happened. As i think I remember feeling like I was being constantly watched. Just like a pair of eyes burning into my back.

I shake the thought away and wake Harry up. I can hardly move to get myself some head-ache pills.

"Harry I need some head-ache pills, And i can't stand up" I whisper shout. Harry gets up instantly and walks out coming back with what I needed.

"You're the best boyfriend ever." I say. he flops back onto my bed and turns to face me. "I know" he smirks. I swallow the pain killers and lay back down on Harrys chest. The sound of Harrys heart beat as my music. I find myself drifting off into sleep.

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"i'll be back in a couple of minutes." harry tells me as he leaves to get food. He shuts the door behind him and I hear his car roar to life.

I sink down into the couch and watch the boring things on t.v waiting for Harry return.

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I stop at a red light and turn the music up louder. As the song plays I think of Clarissa through whole song.

" and your hearts against my chest

Your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

And with this feeling i'll forget

I'm in love now.

So kiss me like you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved.

This feels like falling in love, fallin' in love, fallin' in love."

The light goes green and I turn into the coffee shops parking lot.

As soon as I get in a girl attaches herself to me.

"Hey pretty boy, I'm Emma, who are you?" She says.

"I'm no one who you should be throwing yourself at." i snap and attempt to push her away. but when I do she attaches her lips to mine and kisses me. I don't kiss back.

I instantly pull away "what the hell? what do you want?" i say. "that's all" she replies. I'm pissed what she hell would she want?

I make my way out. looks like we're having macdonalds for dinner.

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As soon as I got home I hand Clarissa the food. I have to tell her what happened before she finds out for herself.

"Babe?" i say. "yeah." She replies softly.

"I went to the coffee shop to get you one of those big sandwiches and a coffee but I was stopped when this chic named Emma threw herself at me. She kissed me but I pushed her off and yelled at he before walking out." I tell her.

"Serves the bitch right for kissing MY boyfriend" she says an I chuckle. "I wish you were there so I can watch you insult her while I'm watching. would've turned me on." i tell her.

She hits my arm playfully but before we knew it we're kissing.

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"Did you get the pictures?" I snap at the man who I hired for me. "Yeah" he replies. I take the photos from his hand and hand him the money.

"Thank you." i say. To be honest i feel really bad for That girl and Harry, they're a perfect couple but it's my job to do these kind of things. The boss told me to kill Harrys girlfriend but we made out a deal to just separate them and get the boss and Harry back together.

I'm sick of this, she asks me to do this to almost all of her boyfriend and now I feel so bad.

I put the pictures in an envelope and slip it into the locker number the boss gave me. I already regret it.

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The alarm goes off and i instantly get up getting ready for school . I wake Harry up and we get ready together.

By the time we're done Harry drives us to school.

As soon as we arrive I walk over to my locker and an envelope falls out. it's pictures of Harry and a ginger kissing. must've been the one Harry was talking about last night.

On the bottom it says

* i hope your boyfriend is having fun with you * what's that suppose to be? I keep the pictures and show it to Harry to confirm with him if that was the girl that threw herself at him hoping it is so I know there's no other.

He nods and I throw the pictures in the bin. I keep one to take to the police if it happens continuously. they could use it for fingerprints and stuff.

I make my way back to harry and give him a quick peck on the lips right before running into Natalie and Niall. they're locking hands omg they're dating! "CUTIES" i yell and they laugh. I should probably ask about the girl in these pictures and see if they can figure out who it is so I can knock them out. the thought passes me but I keep a mental note. remember to ask Niall about this chic.

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Emma is just. eww

Natalie and Niall are dating how cute. No sarcasm intended.

Vote and all that <3


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