Chapter 29

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*not edited*

Today was the day I was finally getting to see Harry, He left for a business trip a week ago, And God, did I miss him.

I was currently getting ready to pick him up from the airport, Unfortunately he hasn't texted me much because he's been so busy.

I put on a sweater and my boots and headed out of the house locking the door.

I got in my car and it roared to life, The sound of the engine roaring angrily.

I backed out of the drive-way and sped off toward the direction of the airport.

My favourite song was playing on the radio.

"And they say, she's in the class A-team" I sang along with the radio.

Finally, I arrived at the airport with the biggest smile on my face.

I made my way over to the arrivals and waited for the announcement of Harry's flight.

I scrolled through twitter, instagram, and facebook.

"Flight 1d60, Now landing" The announcer spoke.

I smiled and waited for people to come rushing through with their bags.

I waited, waited and waited, and Finally the mops of curls and the emerald orbs came out.

He smiled.

But not at me.

I looked in the direction of where he was looking, But a large pole was blocking my view.

He made his way there and a blonde came from behind the pole.

I felt my heart sink.

"HARRY!" she cheered. "Taylor!" He smiled and kissed her.

I ran up to him.


He looked at me confused.

"Yes? and you are?" he asked. My stomach churned.

"I-I'm - you don't remember me?" I asked. I looked over at Taylor who was wearing a large smirk on her face.

Looking back at Harry he shook his head no.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief. "but I'm your gir-" Harry's face begins to morph into James's. I tried to shake it off but I didn't work.

"You have no luck in love." he said before morphing into my other ex Dan

"Let's have a little fun shall we? Little bitch better obey me." he smirked . His face morphed into Flynn's.


I backed away but then I was surrounded by all of them.

Harry, Dan, Flynn and James.

"CLARISSA!" a faint voice shouts

My eyes snap open.

Only a dream.

"Clarissa baby, are you alright, you were screaming." Natalie asks. I shake my head I felt my forehead, examining it. it was full of cold sweat.

"W-water?" I begged. Natalie stood up.

She came back with a water bottle in hand.

"Tell me what happened."


Something didn't feel right.

My body was shaking, I head cold sweat on my head and my throat was dry.

"You alright mate?" My room-mate Louis asks. I shake my head.

"What's going on?" He asks. "I-I don't know...somethings wrong with me." I tell him.

He chuckles.

I glare at him.

He clears his throat. "Oh- um- you weren't joking." he says. "Oh-no shit" I say standing up.

I begin pacing around the room, Louis watched me, confused.

"Some-something not right." I say.

"Yeah, I know, some kid named Flynn is coming, Didn't you read his files, Fucking badass that one is. He attempted rape to some brunette one-time. " Louis says.

I instinctively grab my phone and dial Clarissa's number.

"C'mon, c'mon." I mutter.

She doesn't answer.

I try agin.

"UGH ANSWER THE GOD-DAMNED PH-" "hello? Harry?" she says through the line.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" I ask.

"Harry..." she warns.

"I know- I know, Look, I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, But I'm warning you. Some guy named Flynn is coming to school and I want you to be-careful around him. He's bad news." I warn her.

There's a long pause to the point where I think she's hung up.

"O-okay." she squeaks. Now I know somethings wrong.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Ye-yeah." she says sternly.

"Are you sure?" I push. "Look Harry, I'm fine. I'll see you around school yeah? " She says. Before I can reply she hangs up.

I throw my phone onto my bed and run my hands through my hair.

somethings not right.



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