chapter 36

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*not edited*

This is only the start to the ending.




As the torturous days went by, I would get constant messages from Flynn and Taylor, both of which who did not give me the address to where they were. obviously.

But Niall being the sexy geek he is, (i do have a man crush on that boy when he becomes the nerd) Managed to trace the co-ordinates of where the assholes are, Turns out, they are holding her hostage at the abandoned warehouse only couple hours away from campus.

Which reminds me that Clarissa and I had never really attended school, because we spent most of our time sitting on our asses indulging in chick flicks and corn chips.

Because that's how we roll.

Louis, the boys and I have managed to come up with a plan, but I haven't told them that I will force them to speed off to the police station as soon as we get there.

I know that the boys will hesitate at first, but they'll eventually listen.

We've gathered the gang, (when I say gang I mean, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall and myself) for this whole operation, but I want to make sure that they don't lose their lives because of me.


All I know is that I'm being held hostage by two pricks that sound so damn familiar.

Honestly, I am happy that I left my secret back with my gran, who had paid a visit to me days before everything happened.

I was very good at hiding the secret, because Harry never really seemed to notice.

Yes, I am even surprised at how quick the year has gone by, from what I remember, I started school in January, and it is now november.

Because Harry was busy fucking some other girl, and I don't blame him because I did lose some of my looks due to my...problem... he never figured out my secret.

It kind of took me a month to figure out my own secret, and when I finally planned a secretive appointment with the doctor, they told me that it had started in February, which shocked.

I was pregnant.

And The whole idea scared me, I became reckless to have, sex...and I never found it appealing to do it while you were pregnant, so my skills were off.

I was lucky I didn't get big enough for anyone to notice.

Not even myself.

My breasts did enlarge a bit, but that's all.

And it was stupid of my to become drunk that other night.

Because I had just given birth three days before, and my doctor told me o be careful with my health. i let my Gran look after the little thing because I was never really good with children.

I was eventually going to tell Harry, but he caused problems, as well as myself.

which kills me because Harry always told me how excited he was about being a father.

And it hurts that he'll probably never know.



"alright lads, you ready?" Louis asks packing shit into the trunk of his van, everyone nodded as they climbed into the car, instantly falling asleep due to the time.

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