Chapter 25

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*not edited*

{A/N; Take the time to vote lovlies, I'd really appricaiate it :* And go check out "Step Up The Game [Harry Styles]" By me, I'd appricaiate that also}


Harry's grip tightend around me. I felt as if he was going into deep thought. Something about Harry makes me feel un-easy and loved at the same time. I'm not sure weather it was because he thought he had lost me or because he even had a dream about loosing me.

Harry means the world to me. He makes me feel safe around the bad. and makes me feel as if he will always be here whenever I'm down.

He's right, Even if we aren't together we will still feel love for each-other. Okay I'm starting to lose breath.. "Harry, l-et go of me" I squirmed. His grip finally loosened, A few minutes later I giggle at the small snores escaping from Harry's mouth. He's fallen assleep I rub his back soothingly before placing him back in his original spot in my bed and lay next to him. The next thing I know, I am asleep too.


"Get up assholes, Schools starting in like an hour, You two are gonna be late if you just lay there" a faint voice calls. A few moments later Harry falls off the bed with an oomf Draging me with him. A groan escapes his lips while I try to move myself off him. Bloody Natalie.

I stand up zombie-walking to the closet to get clothes, I don't even know what I chose, but it feels like some jeans and a sweater. I walk into the bathroom and strip of my clothes. Finally when I'm done my eyes are wide open. I hear Nat and Harry talking abour something on the other side of the door.

"I realise how much you love her Harry, But I know that Inside you, you still love that blonde bitch." What? Is natalie talking about Taylor? "Taylor, god as much as I despise her, I know you still have feelings for her Harry, And I don't want to see Clarissa getting hurt." Oh my god.

"I know... I love Clarissa with all my heart. She's my life." Yes! "But..." BUT? "I think you're right about the Taylor thing. But Clarissa, she genuionly loves me. Even after the shit I did." He finishes. He still loves her. He still loves that bitch.

I pick up my night clothes and walk out. Ignoring Natalie and Harry's stare. I can't believe that he still loves her. He still loves that blonde bitch. Without care, I walk out the door, Straight to school, Ignoring Harry's calls. Todays going to be dreadful.


My eyelids start becoming heavy as Professor Greens voice becomes my lullabuy... My head tilts forward slowly but I stop myself from faceplanting onto the table. Wake up Rissa Finally the bell rings signalling lunch. I gather all my things and almost run out of class but a pair of strong hands stop me. "Don't leave again Clarissa Rae. You rushed out this morning. Now tell me what happened" Harrys voice whispers. His hot breath hitting my bare shoulder. My back is still turned to him. "Nothing" I wriggle out of his grip and run.


What the hell is wrong with her? I did nothing but she's completley ignoring me. As I walk out of class I catch a glimpse of her talking to one of the schools popular guys. What the hell. She giggles sending a shiver down my spine, As soon as she sees me approaching her she runs. Should I chase her or beat that guy up? First one.

"CLARISSA!" People stop and stare at the crazy man running down the hallaways. Me. "CLARISSA WAIT" I shout again earning her attention. She stops. Her shoulders rising up and down and her back turned to me. I finally catch up to her. Her body is shaking. AS soon as I touch her, she collapses to the ground. What the hell?

I hold her in my arms thinking of what could've caused this. Whispers and Gasps come from the crowd surrounding us. Much like in my dream...


I flip through the new students folders. Nothing new. I come across another one. It's probably not even that interesting.


Age :18

Birthdate : January 23 1996

Disablities: Asthma.

FINALLY someone who is a little interesting.


Asthma. Clarissa has Asthma. If I had just let her go and not chase after her, we wouldn't be here. I pick her up throw her over my shoulder and run to the nurses office.

"Styles, what do we have here?" The nurse asks while I gently Place Clarissa down. "Rae, Clarissa. Asthma." I tell her. Her mouth forms an 'O' and she does what nurses do. "She's breathing, Very fast. Just leave her here. Go off to lunch now Styles." Really? I ain't going to class. "No I'm staying here with her." I growl. "Harry, you must go to class."

"DO you not understand what no means? She's my well- Girlfriend and I'm staying with her until she wakes up fucking hell." I say through clenched teeth. "Language, You may stay Harry.But if this happens again, You may not stay here again" she states. I nod.

I take the seat next to Clarissa's bed and hold her hand. Slowly making circles with my thumb over Clarissa's knuckles.


I've been sitting here in the same postition and Clarissa is still asleep. Fuck. It's been an hour, class has started. Her breathing has calmed down but she's still breathing heavily and at a medium/fast pace. She hasn't moved from her spot at all.

The nurse has come to check on us every now and again but she leaves as soon as her eyes land On Rissa.

Rissas body starts to move. I look at her. Her eyes flutter open slowly, when they meet mine she glances down to our hands. She pulls away instantly causing my heart to shatter. Somethings wrong.

She sits up from her laying down position and looks everywhere else but me. She's ignoring my stare. As soon as her eyes meet the exit she jumps off the bed grabbing her bag and heads out the door. I'm not chasing her because she'sprobably going to collapse again. I'll just wait til the end of the day.

"Thanks, She's alright now" I re-assure the nurse. She simply nods her head. I walk out of the room and see Clarissa sitting against the wall her knees pulled up to her chest. Her body shaking. Sobs escaping from her mouth. I walk up to her and throw my bag on the ground. I throw my arms around her small body. "Hey, hey. Calm down." She pushes me off of her and stands up walking out the schools exit. I follow her but this time she dosen't mind.

Not once has she looked at me. Not even a glance. I head to the direction of my car but she goes the other way. She's walking. "Clarissa stop, Please" I beg. Her body stops and she turns to face me. We're both speechless. " I-um- Are yo-you o-kay?" I croak. She looks me straight in the eyes.

"What were you and Natalie talking about this morning?"


{ A/N }


Is she hurt or just plain pissed? haha you never know do you? Haha ilysm have a lovely night/day

and if you're going on a date with someone soon, have fun.( I don't know why I threw that in there... I'm feeling a little romantic right now)


Vote, comment, all that stuff xx

ilysm <3

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