Chapter 23

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*not edited*


I called the police a couple minutes ago reporting Taylor. They told me to bring Rissa down as soon as possible. Right now Clarissa is getting ready to go.

"Done." She says Emerging from the bathroom. Stunning as always. "Put a Coat on darling, You'll get cold.." I tell her, she's quick to oblige and grabs a coat from her closet.

I take her hand in mine and lead her to the car. "Is she going to be there?" She asks making a disgusted face. I shrug my shoulders "probably"

I open her side of the car and let her in.

The car ride to the police station isn't long but it sure is quiet. When we arrive Clarissa grabs my hand gripping it tightly.

We enter and the devil itself sits there smirking. Why does she look so damn formal?

"Ah Mr styles you've arrived!" David the 'all too friendly' police officer greets us. "And this is..."

"Clarissa Rae." clarissa answers before I can. He leads us to the table to where Taylor sits.

"Styles, Bitch! how are you?" taylor asks us. I try my best to keep calm as the police officer can handle this shit.

"Miss Abegail, Respect them or you will have to deal with more charges." he warns her. Wow they're more serious than ever, Charges for insults and all...

"Alright tell me what's been happening Miss Abegail" He asks Taylor. She takes a big breath and smirks at us.

"Miss Rae here threw a couple punches at me for kissing my boyfriend in front of her. And just yesterday she had a gun pointed at me and Mr styles." she lies. Clarissa's hand moves from my thigh back into her lap and her face js annoyed. Boyfriend?! Fuck I want to scream at her but I'm not allowed to speak according to David unless I'm asked to speak.

"Miss Rae, Mr styles isn't your boyfriend according to Miss Abegail here, Is this whole statement true. and Why did you have a gun pointed at them?" He asks. Clarissa's jaw tenses.

"The whole statement is untrue apart from me punching her. Harry and I just arrived at a party and Taylor happened to be there, I didn't know her. She referred to me as a 'slut' and started kissing my boyfriend in front of me then started asking about their intimate moments and I punched her. Yesterday I was walking home unhappy and Taylor grabbed me out of no-where and tied my hands together threatening to kill me. when Harry came, she threatened to shoot him as well." Clarissa says taking a long breath.

"Is this true Mr Styles?"

"Yes, I have evidence." I say confidently and add "of yesterdays incident."

"Where? What kind of evidence? Photo Voi-" I cut him off. "Video evidence." I say. Taylor and Clarissa's head snap towards me. clarissa looking happy and Taylor looking scared.

"I saw that there was a camera on the street Sir." I say politely. i give him the address and he goes to the security room to check the video evidence.

"Y-you have evidence?" Taylor stutters. I nod my head as Clarissa smirks and Brings her hand to my thigh close to my crotch. I look at her warningly and she gives me a seducing smile. She whispers in my ear "a little reward for you later boo.." she says seductively.

I smile and she sends a wink my way. "Alright, Mr styles, Miss Rae and Miss abegail please come this way, I need to approve of this." Dave says with seriousness laced in his voice.

He leads us toward the Security room and plays yesterdays incident to us. "Miss Abegail this is you. Harry, you and Clarissa you." He says pointing at each of us. Clarissa and I nod out heads and Taylor shrugs her shoulders. David let's out a large sigh before saying; "Styles, Rae, You are free to go. Miss Abegail, Please stay here for further interrogation." he says, SUCCESS!

When we get home Clarissa pushes me onto her bed locking the door by the lock and the chain so no one can get in even if you use a key.

She stands in front of me Examining my body. "hmm, I i would have lost you yesterday I would've missed your...Hair, Your eyes, your body.." she stops herself and peels off her coat and top. I feel a bulge growing in my pants..

She begins pulling her jeans off, then her unhooks her bra. she leaves her black laced panties on. And approaches me slowly and seductively. She wraps one arm around me and slams our bodies together.

Her free arm moves down undoing the button of my jeans. When they are off she grabs the waistband of my boxers. "but mostly..." she stops again. she uses both her hands to hold me. "You're delicious C*ck" she says while dropping to her knees taking my boxers down with her. The sight is beautiful, Rissa on her knees in front of me.

She takes my member in her hand at looks up at me through her lashes. Oh fuck. she pumps slowly before putting her mouth around me. She shoves me in her mouth bobbing her head back and forth while pumping the part that she can't fit in.

I moan and grab a fistful of her hair bobbing her head faster. She looks up at me through her perfectly coated lashes again and moans sending a vibration down my c*ck. "Rissa I-I'm not gonna last long." I stutter. She moans again causing me to release in her mouth.

She pulls out slowly taking all of my cum with her.

I pull her up and kiss her lips forcefully. I use my free hand to

Rub her through her panties. i pull away slowly "Your turn..." I whisper pushing her on the bed.

"You're fucking drenched Rissa." i say teasing her. "Just do it Harry." she moans. "do what baby?" I ask. pulling her panties down slowly.

I want her to say it. "You know what! Harry stop teasing me!" she shouts. I laugh at her eagerness and annoy her further. "I don't know what you're talking about rissa..." I say.

"FUCKING TOUCH ME HARRY!" she shouts "Make me feel good!" she demands. With that I push a finger into her and pump slowly. She moans at the contact. I suck on her clit harshly making her moan in pleasure.

I push another finger into her curling them in her causing her to arch her back up.

She moans and in seconds i feel her tighten around my fingers She releases and I take my fingers out sticking them in my mouth. "so sweet." I complement. She's still trying to come down from her high..

"You can work those fingers and tongue boy!" She laughs. "and you know how to work with your mouth Rissa." I say.

She laughs and adds "I love you harry.."

"I love you Rissa."



Vote, comment and all that <3


BOOM! you sex crazed people jk. bye xx

(Stop fapping to my book! Lol jk xx it's your life, do whatever you want)

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