Chapter One : New Teacher

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You have received four new messages at 03:27am.

The text tone from your phone wakes you out of an extremely peaceful sleep, causing a massive sigh of annoyance to escape your partially closed mouth.

Zen💀: I'm coming over for dinner tomorrow with a few people
Zen💀: can u make my favourite meal??
Zen💀: assuming you'll obvs say yes, thank youuuuuuu
Zen💀: OH they're hot too, but of course they are not as hot me 🤤🔥

Zen, you're over confident older brother. The guy will never ever text you at a reasonable time, everyone knows that. After all, since when was it a perfect time to text someone as three thirty in the morning? Today also happens to be the first day back at school, your summer break had lasted six weeks but sadly, it definitely was not long enough. The thought of school caused a groan to escape your mouth, you couldn't wait to be thrown into never ending stress! Woohoo!

Not only do you have to deal with your older brother, you also had to deal with school again. Which meant more drama, fantastic. However, that doesn't change the fact that you'd gladly pick Zen and his over confident self over any day of school.
You had just managed to fall asleep again when your alarm wakes you up. You had read somewhere that if you set your alarm to your favourite song, then you would have a good day because that song makes you happy. But right now, that wasn't the case. "If I hear that stupid song today, I'm going to break whatever device it's coming from." You grumble, dragging yourself out of your warm and comfortable bed.

Oopsies! I'm dead inside!

You pull on the uniform that you've oh so terribly 'missed'. You look in the mirror and cringed horribly at your reflection. Every time you look at the uniform, which sadly consists of a black blazer, white shirt (that was made to be tight around the bust), and a scarily short black skirt, you always have some weird flashbacks to an anime that's strictly aimed towards the male audience. Or lesbians.

At this time, you're running extremely tight on time. You grab your black bag with a heavy sigh and ran out the door, forgetting the most important meal of the day. As per usual.
Your parents have already left for work, most likely forgetting that they even have a daughter. Throughout your childhood, that never really changed. Zen was the child to grab all of the attention being served and make himself the star of whatever show it was. So, sadly, it wasn't as if you weren't used to the, "Oh? Y/N... you're home," or the, "When did you start school again? Zen started a week ago."

You make it to school in record time, you grab your timetable from the main office and began to make your way to first period. As you silently walk through the halls, which are growing busier with every second, you can hear gossiping about the new teacher.

"He is so goddamn hot, trust me."
"Didn't you know? We have a new teacher! We have you been?"
"There was a rumour going around that he was only like nineteen or something, like... can you imagine?!"
"Now way?! Do they even let guys teach that young?!"

Well that sounds great. By the looks of things, there's some sort of new, super cool and super young teacher that also happens to be super good looking, but to you, that just sounds like a lot of girls yelling in the middle of the halls. A few years ago, the same thing happened. In your opinion, he wasn't as attractive as everyone made him out to be but whatever. He had to leave because he heard someone scream, "I'd let him fuck my brains out!" In the middle of the corridor. If you were him, you most likely would've walked out too. As you got closer to your classroom, the giggles and gossip got a whole lot louder.

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