Chapter Five : Not so innocent

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Jumin Han. The guy himself doesn't seem like such a flirt or a tease. But that's exactly what he was, he may be a teacher, but he's the worlds biggest tease. Ever.
He looks dangerous, he looks evil. But no, he's somewhat of a sweetheart when he wants to be. If he has some sort of attraction to you, he'll tease you like crazy.

That was what you've realised.

Your teacher, Jumin, stands in front of you with a smile on his face. You sent a warning glare to him. Heat rose up to your throat and then your cheeks, "Last time I checked... that wasn't exactly appropriate, was it... sir?" You cock your head and smile innocently, but Jumin didn't lose his smirk. Instead he laughed a little, causing his hair to fall into a place that made him look perfect.

Something in your head told you to touch it, not only because it looks so perfect but because it looks so soft.

"Alright alright, chill okay?" He chuckled. "We're going to obviously be seeing each other a lot outside school. If it's not here, because I'm Zen's friend, it'll be in detention because there is no doubt about you being a troublesome student. That and because I really don't want to have to call you Ms. L/N all the time." He points out and it makes sense in your head, but no matter what, you denied it. You didn't want that.

"Listen, I'm here because you have something that belongs to me. Can I please have it back?" You ask, folding your arms. Jumin glances towards the hall but you brush it off as nothing.

"Oh? I do?" He looks down in his hands and feels in his pockets, "I don't think I do, I mean... can you see it here?" Jumin was being stupid and annoying once again. This is where you plan on strangling him and putting his perfect self to rest. Everything would be fine without him, that you knew for sure.

"Mr- Jumin. Please give me back my jacket..." You loosen up a little and hand out your hand. Jumin walks behind you, leaving you standing in the kitchen doorway for a minute before returning with your familiar white jacket. He hands it to you without problem, and you smile. "Thank you!" You said. You weren't wearing your blazer, so you slid your jacket on easily. You took your phone out of your shirt pocket and placed it on the kitchen counter, just so you could sort the jacket out nicely, when you went to reach for your phone. It wasn't there.

Of course. Of fucking course.

"Y/N? I got your phone~" Jumin giggles cutely and dangles your phone in his hand. You growl under your breath and Jumin laughs. "Aw, you're angry!"

"Hey! Give me back my phone!" You shout, trying to jump for it. You miss and Jumin laughs even more.

Jumin pouts, "You're attitude is appalling missy, I think I'll keep it." He's always like this, he's been like this with you ever since Zen and everyone else came around. Stupid brother... he always seems to get you into some sort of trouble.

"Please, I came here for my jacket and nothing else, I don't need any trouble." You ask, holding out your hand. Weirdly, a small part of you thought that Jumin would be nice and give it to you. But he didn't.

"Nah." He said, bluntly.

"Come on!" You scream. He shrugs and walks into the kitchen. When you see Jumin Han walk away from you without a single goddamn care in the world... it does something to you. It impacts you so very differently to something else.
It makes you livid.

You inhale and then charge. You run as fast as you can into the kitchen, following the man that clearly doesn't give a shit. Jumin heard you and turned around with a shocked face, "Oh fuck-" He shoots out before running away.  You were always the one to come first during sports day races. No one else could catch up, and if you were chasing them, it meant you were extremely close to them.
Even though you don't come round often, you're still very familiar with where the chairs and tables are positioned. Sure, you bump your elbow off of the wall a few times but you don't care, you want your phone. However, the man does manage to get ahead of you by a little bit, but that's only because he closed the door in your face. You growl under your breath and open the door, cutting him off and stopping him in his tracks. He turns around and runs back into the kitchen, when you get there, he's sitting on the counter with a very crazy grin on his face. "Give me... back my... phone," You pant, Jumin shakes his head, breathing heavily too. He jumps down off the counter, you take a few steps forward and he takes a few steps backwards, trying to get into your phone.

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