Chapter Thirty : A headache

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You were expecting something like a sickness or just a low fall in his life was the reason why Jumin wasn't acting why he was, but the more you looked into it mentally, the more you realised that if he was just 'sick', they wouldn't have tied Jaehee down in her own bedroom. Or if it was a low in his life, he would've ever talked to you or ignored it. Jumin has never been the person to give into a low, so it couldn't have been that. You were shocked when Jumin told you everything from start to finish.
He told you everything with every single little detail, starting from when he was biting his lip while walking into his classroom. He mentioned Sarah and her stupid attempt of seducing Jumin, and the fire comeback he had to that too. Then he got to the whole 'Let's convince Jaehee to help' situation... which you had somehow managed to walk in on when all you wanted was a few post-it notes.
It was as if he'd been holding this back for years and years, every little detail and every little emotion had been let out. Once Jumin had started talking, he couldn't stop either, it was if you had just popped a balloon he had been blowing air into since the day he was born. Some tears of stress and frustration were shed, and some dry chuckles were let out here and then. But he still continued to talk. Once he had finished telling you everything, you had no idea what to say.

You looked him in the eye with a sympathetic glance, "Jumin, please don't keep secrets from me anymore... I understand you were trying to protect me and keep me out of it, but I'd rather get in shit then let you deal with it." He opened his mouth so say something but you shook your head. "No, don't try and argue with me on that. I don't care how much I'd lose, if it meant lose whatever I've fought for just to help you through something you need help with, I'll do it."

Jumin reply was simple. He placed his head on your lap and lay there looking up, "But- Fine, I won't keep secrets, not anymore." He said, he paused before continuing. "But if I think you're going to get into trouble on a really bad level, I'm going to keep you out of it. I hope you know that. There's no way I'm going to get you hurt." You chuckle and nod your head in an understanding way.

"I have one question though, why do you need Jaehee's help? Why Jaehee of all people?" You asked, "You could ask Saeyoung or Saeran and that would make so much more sense to me than Jaehee."
Jumin positioned himself so he was lay on his side, almost falling asleep as he listened to your even and calm breathing. You're not even sure why he's lay there, you're just sure that you don't mind. If you make him feel safe, then that's okay. He makes you safe, so you should at least return the feeling. It's the least you could do, right?

"You- oh wait, I forgot... You don't know..." Jumin muttered. You stayed silent and waited for the tired dark haired male to finish his sentence, it's all you could do. "I never actually told you what everyone else does for a living, aha, wow..." You realise now that this was true. Of course, people here have jobs but you've never been told what they do.
Yoosung was still in college, but you had no idea what he was studying and what major he was in. You know Zen works with children, as weird as it may sound, he's really good with kids. That's how you were such a good child. Everyone else... besides Jumin, you had absolutely no idea.

"Actually, thinking about it, no. You haven't." You reply, and Jumin sighs before chuckling to himself. He's curled up into a ball now, almost asleep but he's fighting to stay awake to talk to you. It reminds you of the time when you'd have internet friends as a teenager, and they'd live in other countries such as Japan or Pennsylvania and you'd absolutely wreck your sleeping schedule just to talk to them. At the time, you didn't care about school or whatever was happening the next day, you only cared about the person you were talking to. And that's true friendship at its best.

"Okay so let's start from the uh, beginning, I guess?" You giggle at him, and he smiles very widely. "Zen works with kids, he works at the nursery a few streets down, but I guess you already knew that. I'm your teacher but if you forgot, my name is Jumin Han and I work as a teacher." You gently slap his shoulder.

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