Chapter Twenty Six : Violation

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Honestly, there have been times when you've been extremely tempted to scream it out to the world that you and Jumin are in fact together, but sanity took over and you decided that doing that would be a really big mistake.
When the two of you made a plan to just sneak around, you weren't expecting Jumin to kiss you in every corner of every room, which then leads to both of you narrowly missing someone walking into the two of you making out. Which now that you think about it, would be a lot more painful and awkward for everyone involved. It wasn't up until this very second that you realised hiding a relationship with someone who makes it very obvious is extremely difficult in a house full of people. At this moment in life, it's only by chance and luck that the two of you haven't been caught yet. Thank goodness for that though.

But you had to admit that he was a lot more secretive at school than at home, but then again his job depended on that so...
During classes, he's looking at you a lot less than he originally did. Of course he still looks at you, but most likely only because it would look extremely odd if a teacher decided that they would just stop all communication with a student during class. Though there was this one time that he zoned out while staring at you during a math lesson. Sarah stared at the two of you a lot throughout this lesson, which ended up bringing your mood way down.

You also noticed that Jumin's mood immediately brightened when he noticed that Jihyun had noticed all the hickeys on your neck and decided to move away. So... that's how he'd do it. The mark of 'Hey, this human right here is mine. So why don't you pack your balls and cock away because they are mine. And I don't share'.

"Y'know what really sucks?" Jumin began, and you hummed in response while looking at everyone else in the room. Yoosung had fallen asleep while doing homework and Saeyoung was on his laptop doing whatever it was he does on that thing. "The fact that I just want to stop everything I'm doing and drop everything I'm holding to just look at you, and pull you in close and kiss you... but I can't, that's what sucks." You sigh and nod, not really in the mood to talk about the subject. "I want to show you off to the world, not keep you behind a locked door. I'm proud to call you mine, but I can't show it."

You had tried your hardest not to feel upset and guilty about it, but eventually you gave in to these emotions and ended up feeling what you didn't want to. But beneath of all that, there was fear. There was fear that Zen would find out, and that the friendship between everyone in this house would fall apart. That was something you really didn't want, because logically... it would be your fault.
But regardless of fear, you didn't want to Zen to disown you as not only a friend, but as a sister. Zen has been an amazing brother to you for as long as you can remember, if you lost that because of a relationship... then who knows what you'd do.

You sat there in silence as Jumin played with your fingers, trying to calm down your mind. He was staring at the wall with a blank expression on his face, signalling that it wasn't just you with a lot of loud thoughts during this time.
You glance at him and admire him once again. His dark hair had fallen perfectly into place due to the angle his head was in and his eyes glimmered sweetly. As perfect as he seems, he has problems too. He is a human, and he does have emotions. Jumin definitely isn't some perfect mythical being from Narnia or something.

He's living and he's here. Right next to you.

"Hey, Y/N?" A warm, welcoming voice managed to gently pull you back into reality. You turn to him and fake a small smile, "Everything Alright?" He asks, clearly concerned by the way you just zoned out. You would be too.

"O-oh yeah, I'm fine." You say, chuckling a little. "I just think I'm gonna take a shower, then nap. I haven't slept well recently..." His eyes hold more than just concern, it's curiosity too.

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