Chapter Twenty Seven : Oh no

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Getting walked in on usually was not your problem, it was Zen's. It's always been your brothers problem. He got walked in once by you and countless times by your parents, but he really didn't care at all. You can't even imagine Zen just beating his meat without a worry that someone's going to walk in. Again.
You didn't think it was ever going to be a problem either, Zen seemed so calm and collected when you walked into his room when he was busy with himself, he brushed it off as nothing.

But this, this wasn't nothing. You and Jumin both let out a scream, parting from each other quickly. You had to grip onto the sheets to stop from falling off of the bed, Jumin on the other hand, fell on the floor with a painful thud. After the thud, there was a large groan. You were frozen to your place with eyes locked onto the smirking red head standing in the doorway.
It was fine when Yoosung came in when the two of you were being all cute and stuff, but Saeyoung didn't walk in a cuddling. He walked in on something else, this is like third base. You just got walked in on during third base.
The geeky male walked into the room with an extremely large smirk on his face. "I knew it." He said, and then he laughed. "I freaking knew it!"

Jumin sat up and sent a glare towards Saeyoung, but Saeyoung's smile didn't falter. Instead, it grew even wider and Jumin was practically growling and cursing. "What the fuck?!" He screamed, standing up and sitting on the bed. "Were you waiting outside?!"

"No! I wasn't..." Saeyoung said, hiding back a laugh. "I'm fucked up but I'm definitely not that bad."

"I was gonna say, I'd rather not have been watched more than once tonight." Jumin grumbled and you moved away from him, bringing your knees up to your face. Not only do you have to live with the constant memory of walking in on Jumin, but you also have to live with the memory of getting walked in on with Jumin.

"I was still up and wanted to ask something, but I got super curious when I heard banging against the wall." Saeyoung said, crossing his arms across his chest. "You guys do not make any subtle. At all." The room fell silent and you ignored any worried glances you received from Jumin, he seemed to feel really bad about what he said too. "Sooo... are y'all a thing?"

You couldn't even speak, you just sat there and hoped all of this was just a dream and you'd wake up around noon. You looked towards the headboard and blushed when there was a few small dents where there shouldn't be.
You were clearly too focused on being with Jumin that you didn't even notice the banging, well isn't that fantastic. Jumin leans towards you and whispers something into your ear. "Y'know, that's a little hot..." You ignore him and sigh, deciding to think about the other question.

Are the two of you together? Or is this just a fling?
You look down at the bed, realising that yes... over the time of knowing Jumin. You have managed to catch some sort of feeling for him, though none of you even talk about love with each other, you can tell he may have fallen for you too. But you've never actually... named it. You've always been afraid of naming things like this, but your reason was a good one. If you call something 'love', you've always been afraid that the other person doesn't or won't ever call it love. Not only that, but you've always been afraid of denial and rejection... for you to fall in love, it's scary because you give that person everything.
You give that person your life, your happiness and time, you give them your smiles and hugs without having the slightest clue if they're going to return it or break your heart as if everything you did for them was nothing. That's what's scary.

Jumin looks at Saeyoung with a blank face before sighing. "Yes," He says, and Saeyoung's smile grew wider. "We are a thing.." Jumin slides his hand into yours and caresses the back of your hand with his thumb.

You sat there in silence, biting the inside of your cheek to stop a smile or laugh. But no matter how happy you were because of those words, you were extremely nervous about Saeyoung's damn reaction.
When he does react, the two of you are beyond shocked.
"You guys are the cutest couple ever, I think I might cry."

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