Chapter Twenty Eight : What happened?

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"Alright mate, see you later and do not stress out too much!" Zen had said to Jumin, who was leaving to go back to school.To back to... hell. The two of you had been off a few days, you hadn't missed much because Jumin had given you work at home,which was easy enough for you, but he has a lot of paperwork to catch up on. Maybe a meeting or two. Or four.
You chuckle to yourself after the front door closed, you're stood in the bathroom with toothpaste smeared on your bottom lip.
When Jumin leaves, that's your alarm. You have about thirty minutes or so to sort yourself out, however, Jumin really shouldn't have been on time this morning. To be honest, neither of you should've been,

You were woken out of a peaceful, dreamless slumber during the early hours of this morning when your bed suddenly became one person heavier. Jumin was half asleep but his excuse was, "I woke up and you weren't there..." So he cuddled with you under the sheets, kissing you as many times as he could.
That caused you to realise that the best conversations happen when you're either half asleep or extremely relaxed. The two of you had all sorts of conversations, but that one that you remember the most was about Jaehee.

"We'll be fine, trust me. Jaehee isn't that difficult to convince..." Jumin said and you nodded slightly, "But there's also another problem, and unfortunately... this problem isn't so easy."

"How the fuck are we gonna get Zen on board with us?" You chuckled and Jumin shook his head, laughing with you.
Zen is overprotective and will definitely get himself into some sort of fight just to protect you, sure he won't get hurt, but that's because the other person would. Badly.  You saw what happened to Jumin the day you were found in his bed, but he calmed down after being told what the circumstances were. Well, actually, he just said "You coulda woke me up!" Over and over again but that's fine.
Telling him won't be that good of an idea, but it won't be bad either. It just needs to come from you.

If Jumin was the one telling him, Jumin most likely wouldn't get out alive. If you tell him, you can calm him down easily due to the brother-sister bond the two of you have. If it happened this way, no one would get hurt. Hopefully.

When Zen is protecting something, he will set out plans to make sure that specific something is safe. In this case, that something is you and he refuses to let you go into Jumin's warm and welcoming arms for a reason that you have no idea is, besides being protective.
You hum while pulling up your hair into a pony tail, with a smile. Jumin made today start off pretty goddamn fantastic, not only were you in a happy mood, it was as if everything around you was in a happy mood too. Everything was brighter.

You even pull Zen into a hug before leaving. He hesitated and froze up, but he still hugged you back... even if he did look at you like you weren't related to him. At all. 
When you manage to get to the front gates of the school, Mina meets you with a warm smile and a slow wave. The two of you walk to class together, hugging each other before parting ways down a long corridor to go to your classes.

Today... everything was so vibrant. It was as if Jumin had just tapped your head and shoulders with a magic wand and said, "Today shall be the greatest day you have ever experienced!" Because that's what it damn well seems like. As you walked to your class, Jumin greeted you with a smile outside the door, tapping your shoulder gently as you walked inside.

Everything was so happy.
Perfect, maybe.

After lunch, your mood seemed to have dipped a little bit you could push through it, it was nothing major. You walked back to your desk, ignoring the teacher stood at the front of class until you had to look up to write down some sort of definition.
But when you looked up, not only did something seem wrong, everything looked wrong. His handwriting was off, the way he was standing was also off... but you just thought that's because he was stressed. Yet, the more you looked at him, you noticed that he was extremely tense and he was paler than usual. His lips were always in a firm line and his eyes never softened. They just glared at you with a look that could kill.

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