Chapter Thirty Four : Love is an emotion that can differ

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Your bedroom was silent, you were lay on your bed unbelievably worried, so when you asked, "Jumin? Did everything go well?" You were expecting Jumin to be honest and say the correct answer straight up. Though, you forgot that this is Jumin Han, why would he be straight up with you?
When he walked into your room, you sat up and looked at him with a confused face. You hadn't seen him, nor made an effort to communicate with him since he walked back into the classroom with an emotionless expression on his face. His eyes didn't portray any emotions, they were just as empty as his face was. There was absolutely nothing. Just, blank. 
Sarah had walked in fifteen minutes later with an angry expression on her face, she was the only one that had looked like something had happened. The funny thing is, even though you had earphones in because you didn't even want to hear what was happening, you knew for a fact that the silent classroom became a whole lot less silent when Sarah goddamn Choi walked in.

You looked up at the magenta haired girl that walked into the classroom, and held back a snarl. Her eyebrows were furrowed, as if something bad had happened to her. You looked around the room and immediately knew that people were whispering about something that was clearly said. You had no idea what was said, but you had a small feeling that she got shot down instead of Jumin. Before Sarah took her seat at the front of the class, she looked at you and mouthed something that looked a lot like, "Go to hell."

You didn't even receive a detention, which worried you the most. Sure the detentions has been getting dropped a little, but you still get them almost everyday. What can you say though?You're not exactly a good student sometimes. Jumin just waved at you to leave, so you packed up your stuff and left, doing your best to avoid Sarah. She was mad and you knew it, so for now, the best choice is so obviously avoid her if you want to get out of school without injuries.
So now, current time, as he decided to walk into your room with no tie on and a half unbuttoned shirt. He threw himself onto your bed and you just looked at him with a confused and concerned face. Jumin sighs and then, you knew. You just knew. "What happened...? Did Sarah win?" When Jumin didn't answer, the nervous feeling got worse. "She did didn't she...? Damn, Jumin I-"

Jumin moves his head on your knee. Another sigh escaped his mouth and he closes his eyes, "it's been a stressful day, I'm tired." That makes two of us, you thought.

You immediately rub his forehead with your finger, trying to soothe him of any stress or exhaustion you could. "You lost your job didn't you? Oh my god I knew this would happen, this is why I don't trust people as much as I did anymore..." It was the truth though, you couldn't trust people as easily as you could before hand. It truly sucked.

"Nah..." He mutters and you sigh, "Didn't lose job..." His voice was tired but you relaxed a little when he said no. But you didn't relax fully, man... you kinda regret putting in your headphones during the whole intercom problem. But at the same time, you had a good right to not listen in. You couldn't even imagine what people would be saying.

"You gonna tell me what happened or you gonna let me stress out even more than I already have?" You question and he just snuggles into your with a smile on his face, but you don't want to be ignored anymore. "Fine."
So you squeezed his left ass cheek.
Damn he thicc. He thiccer than oatmeal.

Jumin doesn't even flinch, he just freezes up. He didn't move, he didn't blink, maybe he stopped breathing too. You decide to give up and trying, and move to the end of the bed to walk to the kitchen, but before you could reach the end, strong and warm hands pull you back.
A yelp escaped your mouth as your stop being dragged across the bed in your stomach. His hands have moved from your ankles to your waist now, indicating that you were not getting out of this one. You bit your lip and Jumin caressed your butt too. "Y'know, That was a mistake on your side princess." His voice sent chills down your spine, it was smooth and deep. "Keep this in mind when I say it..." Jumin brings his lips up to your ear and whispers slowly, "Don't touch my butt."

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