Chapter Twenty : Follow my lead

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Jumin moans into the kiss slightly, tilting his head to side to deepen the kiss, yet all you can do is stand there and let him kiss you.
I'd break all the rules if it meant I could have you, Jumin Han. But I don't know how to kiss people... I never have...
You're one of the most innocent human being ever.

Before Jumin decided to enter your room terrifyingly loudly and quickly, and started to kiss the heck out of you, you can't help but wonder if you should've mentioned something earlier. You're name is Y/N L/N and you've never ever been kissed before, which means, you don't really know how to kiss someone either. As Jumin's perfect lips move against yours at a skilful attempt to get you to do something back, you just stand there panicking inside because you literally have no goddamn clue about what to do.
So you decided to play it cool and pout, to maybe convince the sex god that was Jumin, that you knew what you were doing. Yeah no, it doesn't work. Jumin stops kissing you and pulls back with a frown, "Did I do something wrong?" It made your heart break a little bit, Jumin was blaming himself for you being so gosh damn innocent. "Why aren't you kissing back?"
As if a simple question would change the fact that you don't know how to kiss, he places his lips onto yours again but this time, gently bites your bottom lip, sucking it afterwards. You pout even more but it doesn't help the fact that you feel so terribly awkward that it's most likely causing physical pain, Jumin pulls away again, confusion written across his whole entire face. As he looks at you, something must've clicked inside his brain. "You've never kissed someone before, have you?" He asked, when didn't answer he chuckled a little. "Or you've never-"

As much as you wanted to annoyed and angry at him, you were just plain out embarrassed and a little upset about it. Those two emotions are not usually something you feel together, let alone often. Jumin probably came in here hoping that he'd get to second base with you, but you're too innocent to even know how to kiss. Apparently, you love ruining things. Jumin continues to laugh at you, and with every little bit of laughter that comes out of his mouth, you feel annoyance take over. Finally.
You slap his arms away from you, ignoring the fact that your fingertips just brushed against Jumin's bare chest. "Shut up!" You yell, "Not everyone has opportunities to kiss people, let alone to be liked..."

"Hey, princess, I'm sorry." Jumin immediately stopped laughing and extended his arms so he could wrap them around your waist. Once he had his arms where he wanted them, he pulled you close to his chest. "I was just a little shocked at it, I wasn't expecting it."

"Zen called me as innocent as a newborn baby, and you were in the room when it happened." You muttered. "You should've at least understood it a little bit because it's true..." You trail off towards the end of the sentence but Jumin just held on tighter.

He places his mouth next to your ear and exhaled softly, sending those oh so familiar sparks down your spine, "My apologies kitten, it's just in my dream... those pretty little lips of yours can do more than just simply kiss." You stayed silent as your cheeks flushed red. "But that makes me the happiest man on the planet... now that I mention it," Jumin continues to talk in a smooth and soft manner, sending multiple shivers down your spine. Your stomach did multiple flips when he moved his hands to the bottom of your back. "Because that means I have the right to teach my kitten everything."

'My kitten'.

"Yeah..." You murmur. Jumin uses his hands, which were now placed on your hips, to spin you around so you're facing him. You had absolutely no idea what to do with your hands, so you just left them hang by your sides, hoping that you figure it out sooner rather than later.
I mean, you couldn't mess this up anymore could you?

"Alright, Ms. L/N," Jumin says with a dirty smirk on his face, his eyes were glimmering evilly. "We'll start with the basics, a simple kiss."

Hang on a second, this reminds you of something that happened not too long ago. If you remember correctly, it was Saeyoung that mentioned something too. "Uh... Jumin? Do you remember when we were all stood in the kitchen and Saeyoung mentioned something about you being my teacher being kinky? Well... if it was intentional or not, it's kinda happening..." A small chuckle escaped your mouth. Honestly, it was as if you were walking into your first ever Sex Education lesson. For the love of Nutella on a pancake, stop being so awkward.

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