Chapter Forty ~ Ow...

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You remember it all, everything he said to you, everything you begged him to call you. Heaven. That's exactly what it was to you, and hopefully to him. The way his voice sent chills down your spine, or the way his kisses and touches lingered against your soft skin, causing you to beg for more.
You tighten your legs, remembering one specific phrase. "I'm gonna fuck you until the only word that comes out of your pretty mouth is 'please."
That phrase sent you to a place you don't remember the last time you were in, magic. His voice, his words, his touch... it's all magic to you. And it causes butterflies to appear in your stomach because you love it.
You kind of want it again. A lot.

"Mhm..." You haven't been awake long and already your mind is taking a stroll down memory lane. You thought it was a dream, the kisses that gently touch your cheeks and lips, but it was real.
It was a soft, beautiful and amazing reality.

"Baby," A deep but soft voice whispers, "Baby girl, wake up."
It was him.

A kiss landed on your nose, pulling you into a reality that those kisses that happened in the 'dream' were happening in real life. Jumin had been gently kisses your face to try and wake you up. Once he knew you were awake, he kissed you a bit more roughly on your lips, nibbling your bottom lip. A whimper escaped your mouth. "Good morning." He said, your eyes were still closed but you could hear the smirk.

Wait a second, what do you mean morning?

You almost go to say something but before you could, every memory from last night entered your mind and your mouth shut on it's own. Every second of you moaning Jumin's name, every hot time in the sheets, every time Jumin kissed you. You even remember all the things you said to him, all the dirty things. It was worth it though, Jumin knew it was your first time, so he started out gentle and sped up when you said so. God... it was so worth it.

Sunlight is crawling in between the partly opened black curtains, leaving different types of shadows on the walls. You open your eyes and look up, when Jumin looks in your eyes, he smiles. His eyes are still that beautiful grey colour, unusual, but the most beautiful things you have ever seen. The sunlight shines on his face, and his eyes light up. The way they sparkle, the way they shine, it's beautiful to you. His black hair is messier than it was a few nights ago, instead of being gelled to his scalp, it's messy and shows a lot more youth in him. His cheeks are flushed, you chuckle and he lays next to you. The room is silent. The only thing you can hear is your breathing and a few birds outside your window.

Jumin is literally glowing, everything about the man lay next to you is perfect and you wouldn't change anything about him for the world. And this perfect man who goes by the name Jumin Han, is all yours just as you are all his.

Joy fills your head but after a moment, so does another thing. "Holy mother of god my teacher just took my virginity-"

Jumin bursts out laughing and places his hands on your hips, you are both still naked. You blush heavily and he nods, "Yeah, I did." Jumin kisses you, "And I don't regret it. How do you feel?" Jumin asked, you stutter a little but finally push out an answer. Why you're still getting flustered confuses you.

"A little sore..." You mutter, Jumin nods against your skin. Your lower region has a burning and achy feeling, it's not bad but it'll definitely make you limp for a while.

"I'm not surprised." Jumin says, "After all, let's not forget that this was your first. And even on top of that, I didn't exactly give you as much rest as you'd have probably needed. Y'see wanting rest with me is highly unlikely obviously, I'm just so great. Even had you screaming for me to go faster-"

You squeak, "Nope." You were never really the kind of person to just talk about your sex life as if it were nothing. Jumin, however, clearly cannot relate as it seems like his only job is either making you fall in love with him more, making you angry or making you plain out flustered. He doesn't even need his job as a teacher at this point, his job is making you feel emotions you're not used to. It's just a shame neither of you are getting paid for it.

Your cheeks are bright red again, and you haven't even been awake for thirty minutes yet. You sigh and Jumin smiles while sitting up, his hands behind his head. "Cute." Jumin smiles wider, "My baby girl is embarrassed." Jumin pulls you closer and you lean on his chest as he rubs your shoulder. A grin spread across your face, Jumin was really warm and welcoming. You loved him. You look up at him and the whole world freezes, it's just you two. No one else is breathing or moving, it's just the two of you.

Jumin looks down and notices your stares and his smile fades, his face turns serious. "I love you F/N L/N." Jumin says, "I love you so much and I always will, I will probably love you in my next life too." His eyes are sparkling, he means it.

"I love you too, Jumin Han." You whisper back, "Thank you for being real with me. Thank you for being there when I need your help, thank you for protecting me and thank you for loving me." Jumin opened his mouth and you shushed him, "Bro I'm not done. Also, thank you for teaching me how to love." Jumin laughed and kissed you and you kissed back. Love and emotion showed in both your eyes, the perfect couple. Y'know, like that one high school relationship that you want to stay together forever because they literally are the cutest? Yeah. That's you.

Jumin wraps your messy hair around his fingers and twirls it, "As much as I want to stay in here all day," You look at him and raise your eyebrow. "We have to deal with something."

"Which is?" You ask, tilting your head to the side and eyeing him up and down. "Who did you kill?"

Jumin raises his hands, "I, Jumin Han, did not kill anyone!" You giggle but Jumin's face drops. "But your brother might just kill me."


Yoosung's POV

"HMmmmmMMMmm HmM mMMmmmmMMMM." Was all Zen could push out, after all, Yoosung's much smaller hand is currently clasping his loud mouth shut. Yoosung can feel Zen's anger radiating off of his body, so he's trying his absolute hardest to keep the much taller, and probably older, male quiet. He never knew Zen could be this strong, but it's most likely because he's beyond pissed at his best friend. As Yoosung somehow manages to drag Zen out of the house, away from a couple who deserve happiness together. He sighs when a black car pulls up, thank god everyone else came.

Yoosung let's out a little 'oof' when Zen's elbow collides with his rib, but he doesn't let go, if he let go he'd also be burying Jumin's body and no one wants that. "Yoosung?" Saeyoung laughs, "Wanna hand?"

Zen aggressively shakes his head but no one listens, Zen then fails his arms and legs in the air like an octopus that forgot he could breathe underwater. Zen's knee collides with Yoosung's crotch and suddenly the blonde one falls to the floor, not being able to withstand that pain. Though, that doesn't mean he can't grab onto Zen's sweatpants. Yoosung look's up just in time to see a white haired male hopping around with his pants around his ankles and bright pink tight boxers on.

"JUMIN FUCKIN' HAN!" Zen screams, looking like super saiyan mode was activated. "God I'm going to beat his ass so hard he's not even gonna have an ass because I beat it off, Just wa- Ow!" Jahee gets out the car and takes down Zen without hesitation. Zen stays quiet.

Jaehee may be smaller than Zen, he is no match for a police officer that has been promoted that much she can't get promoted anymore. It's not possible. Jaehee is sat on Zen's back wiping her hands. "There's handcuffs in my jacket, get them please Saeran." Saeran does so and within minutes Zen had officially been arrested.

"Look, now it's Zen being tied up by Jaehee!" Yoosung laughs.


Two more chapters left.

Sorry for the deadass late update I swear I had intentions to write I just suffered through writers block and then I had no phone and I still technically don't uGHH

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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