2017 25 today and right now i am writing the last chapter of my life after this one every part and inch every secrets will be reveals and exposed to public some will be identity and other don’t i don’t come to find drama,love or hate or even been famous or popular for my story and reputation i write this today because 13 Reasons Why on Netflix is the reasons i decide to do this Hannah Baker inspired me to do my real story because this is who i am this is my story this is my life and true story writing beginning till end not fake or false or inventing all what i wrote happens like they say everything is for a reasons and why i decide to do it because i identify with Hannah Baker the whole time since i start watching it i felt she was me because i been on all that situation and been rape and bullied so i know how she felt even when she hide thing all that she do and been though been there two and i know how is felt like except taking my life away even if i think about it one time without my stronger faith in Jesus trust me that i never been here right now writing this to you or even be alive…
because in resume to all this chapters i know how is feel been judge…by others or everyoneBut sometimes I wish there was a button to get us out of the ugly parts of life and take us to good ones….
because some times i can have the perfect smile but crying inside with the heavy pains carried on me.
Why Me? i felt sometimes why all this always happen to me why i always try to do it right and i end doing it run , a mistake or appositive maybe because that part of life and we need to walk in the storm to have the calm.
How am i supposed to live with that? by fixing my errors and try my best to be i want to be and don’t let my past drown me and sink on me break the hurt and let it go by never remember it again even if it hard some times to forget it and also ask for forgiveness even if it is hard and that person is not by your side or in person if you have the change to see them.
Why didn’t you say this to me when you have me by your side? some times the people you trust the most or been your real or closest friend one day by another everything call fall down and break into nothing leaving you alone with more questions and answer whiteout a reasons why they change so fast and leave you behind or disappear and never see them again just a simple last text or goodbye saying they never want to see you again or be with you or be friends.
My Faith i been christian since 8 till now i always been to church them catholic church and again to the church i was born not catholic others one even if i was christian i was not the perfect one on God eyes i do a lot of thing by something that happen to me more and more until now that i decide to stop it i leave and delete a lot of thing also in my life and changing,praying a lot also i never forget the time i was afraid and scared to say i was christian to my friend when he ask me i was so stupid thinking i need to say no so i fit in in this cool group of friends then he say why not i am christian and i go to church i denied my faith and my believe in God to fit in on a group of cool kids after that shocking answer my heart break my soul cry inside like this is not me what i became i monster leaving my faith to fit with the cool kids when i was to supposed to say yes i pray at home for forgiveness to God and after that day i never denied my faith again these people in the church are like my second family not in blood but in spirit and heaven i always respect them and never mess with them because they are my family and i family is a family the name say it all someone you respect,trust and never touch or can’t be lovers or married because is your family if you know what i means two and This is the final chapters of my life but not the end because the rest others 25 part of my life i continue to write but to myself and my heart the others half on the future will be mine to keep because is will be clean with hope and bright future behind to built but i share this half because Hannah Baker and I have one thing is common same life and same story with different thing that i never felt before on others series and that the reasons i write it and decide to public so others learn and be the example that not everything that shine is perfect behind every person,each home,place or city or behind these walls there always a dark,sad,deep or waverer happen a secrets story to keep and hide and never tell a least you be like me and share to inspired or to let it go or even to show others what you really are inside and out even if is hurt because there always a you one of the reasons why right like 13 reasons why thank to that series a share my life because trust me without that series i will never will do what i am doing something that open my life thank for exist and make a series that people like me are identify is means a lot to me.
There will be a extra not a chapter of how i am and how thing connect and after that is over and i will click and public everything you can judge me but remember that you have a past like me or worse and even if you denied to everyone you the only one who know it i least everything come to light when you die like some times happen or someone close to you by tell it everyone and not wishing you the worse i am saying that even the most innocent have a hurtful past but we learn and move on so we can be what we wanna be today thank and love you thank for listening or reading a true story of my real dear life.
Story Of My Life
Short Story(Cruel Reality ) based on a story of my life a true story not just any kind of add more or less to make it unreal but a real thing what will change your life forever and even shock you and maybe you been there or related to me while reading but what...