Bounty Hunter, Zoro

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The day was bright and clear as Luffia and Coby sailed onto a certain naval base where a man Luffia was interested in was.

"The weather is so nice. Coby, how long will it be till we get there?" she asked took a long breath to inhale the ocean air and exhale in happiness.

"We'll be in the Marine Base Island if we stay in this direction," said Coby while fishing as part of his favorite hobby while sailing on the open sea.

"Wow, Coby, you're really are good at navigating, nya."

"It's nothing really this is one of the basic rules while, on a sailing, you have to know these kinds of things, don't you Luffia," said Coby as if not big of a deal.

"But I am concerned about what you're getting into," Coby said in a grim tone. "The Pirate Hunter, Roranoa Zoro. He hunts pirates as if hunting for their blood. They say he's a demon in a human body."
At Shells Town docking place, after Lara and Coby tied their boat on the post, they set off to the city in search of the prison place that where the great Zoro being held prisoner.

"Luffia, this is serious. If you think this guy going to join you then you're out of your mind," said Coby while walking through the market place with Luffia.

"I haven't made my mind yet I'm gonna see if he's a good guy," said Luffia like it's the most obvious thing.

"HE'S IN PRISON BECAUSE HE'S OBVIOUSLY NOT!" he sometimes wonders if this girl just crazy or plain stupid, Luffia spotted some tasty pears, she grab one of them and took a bite then she gave the vendor a Berri.

"Hey, could you tell me where I can find Roronoa Zoro?" she politely asked the vendor when the people heard his name they flinched in fear and back away, Luffia sweat dropped at their silly act.

"Maybe its best if we do not mention Zoro here," said Coby, Luffia shrugged and proceeds to head to Marine Base Prison.

"C'mon let's head to the Base, Coby, you wanted to become a Marine, right?"

"Of course I do, but I don't know I'm ready just yet. I've heard the man in charge of this Base is Captain Morgan," and once again the people flinched in fear and backed away as if something will come up and kill them, now both Coby and Luffia sweat dropped at the people's reaction.

"Now that was strange. Luffia said in confusion.

"Yeah. I understand if they're afraid of Zoro, but why did they flip when I mention the Marine's Captain? I have a bad feeling about this." true what he said, people shouldn't be afraid of Marine Captain; he's guy who runs this city and protect his people...right?

"Maybe he's not a good guy himself," Lara replied.

"What do you mean?"

Then Luffia stopped and looked up at the sky.

"Coby. There are two sides to every coin. Just as there are some good Pirates like me, there are also Marines out there that abuse their power and use it for their own personal gain. Remember that." Luffia said in a solemn tone before walking again.

Coby looked confused and worried. The way Luffia said it, made him think about Morgan again. If what she said is true, could Morgan be a terror or something to these people?

They've made it; they finally made it to Marine Base, and standing in front of them is giant steel door with word Marine printed on it which stands between the steel door and Coby's dreams. Luffia let out a whistle and said.

"This look like the place" Coby couldn't help but to feel upcoming tears on his eyes, he finally made it.

"I'm finally here 'sob' this where we part ways 'sob' I know we haven't spent much time together, but I..."

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