Giants in a Little Garden

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The Going Merry has anchored Little Garden despite Usopp's protest and start to cough up fake blood and go saying 'I. can't. Enter. Scary. Jungle. Disease', but they ignored him as they check the vast and abnormally vegetation they never seen…and abnormally big man-eating tiger with eye of the killer that made Namizou froze and Usopp squeal in fright as for the rest they are unfazed as if they see this tiger a thousand times before. Then to absolute horror the large man-eating tiger has just…spit out of his blood and fell dead on the ground and to make matters worse, they heard a booming explosion that sound like volcano erupt.

Whoever named this place Little Garden is the biggest moron he ever lived.

Meanwhile, our favorite heroine is running side by side with speedy Carue having the time of her life while Vivian is deep in thought, he side glance at She-Captain of the Straw-Hat and pondered if the girl will ever notice that two of her Crewmate is secretly in love over her but after knowing the black-haired girl for quite a while, she didn't seem to be one of the girls that love to have two guys fighting over her, by the looks of it she doesn't seem to have any slightest interest about love.

"Say Luffia, may I ask you something?" Vivian asked.

"Hm, okay, shoot" Luffia replied without taking her eyes off the trail and still held her grin.

"Well…I know it may sound random but…what do you think of Mr. Bushido and Mr. Navigator" he inquired.

"Hm oh, you mean Zoro and Nami, they're great guys they do all those cool moves, and they're super strong too and they're best Crewmate…why do you ask that?"

"Oh, no reason" said Vivi.

'Hm, the way Sanjina said that Luffia has deep respect and admiration toward them like heroes and she doesn't have any slightest interest on love'

"Okay, I have another random question…whom you like best?" once Vivian asked that made Luffia skid halt and when Carue saw her stop he halted surprised by her sudden cease.


"I mean between Mr. Bushido and Mr. Navigator, which one of them you like best" Vivian asked, Luffia looked up at Vivian frowning suspiciously…well more like purse his lips like three year old.

"Why do you ask these strange random questions, Vivian?"

"Ah uh, n-no reason I-I just thought since I'm going to be with you guys for a while I-I thought that may be…we should um…get to~... know…each other…better" Vivian fidget and started to sweat as he comes up with an excuse, Luffia remain frown till she smiled again.

"Well, why don't you say so, Vivian? You don't need to get shy about it you're part of the Straw-Hat Crew" then Luffia giggled and Vivian sigh in relief thankful that Luffia's gullibility didn't catch up with Vivian's meaning.

"The answer is simple Vivian" as Vivian wait for his answer when he see Luffia smile softly, not the big pearly grin or the mad-man grin, no, she softly smile that grace her face.

"I like both of them equally"


"I like both of them equally; each of them have their own special trait, so that's why I don't need to like one when I already I like both of them" said Luffia, Vivian was surprised to hear such insightful and most considerate thing to say and can't help but to smile, as well.

'Now I understand why Mr. Bushido and Mr. Navigator adore her so much…those two are really lucky to have a girl like Luffia in their life' he thought with a bit of jealousy for some reason.

Ever since he met Luffia properly, she seemed to be the only girl he sees, not like all those hysterical snooty princess who were after his money or something.

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