Meeting Ace

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Fast forward to when the crew landed in Alabasta, Luffia swore she caught a familiar scent while in town in disguise.

Actually, 2 familiar scents.

One was a certain smokey scent mixed in with some musk and ocean.

The other didn't smell too intimate, and was added with a scent of fire, but it was familiar nonetheless.

She realized who that one was.


But the other scent told her that Smoker was in town as well. She never thought that he would chase her this far.

She had to find Ace quickly, then warn the others.

But things never work out as planned.
After another chase across town, and a separation from her crew again, Luffia had met Ace again.

"It's been a long time, Luffia." He smiled.

"Same here, Ace!" She squealed as she pounced on him for a hug, her cat ears flickering in excitement. Then she started to purr as Ace rubbed them.

"I especially missed doing this. They're really soft." Ace said.

"Ace. We should get back to the ship. Not only are marines after us, but some crooks after my friend's country. You heard of Crocodile?" Luffia said trying to be serious despite the look of bliss on her face.

"The warlord? Yea, I heard he's been protecting this country, but from the sound of things, he's not what the people believe he is." Ace said as they started walking.

"Well, I'm actually nervous of meeting his right hand again. He's one of my many destined mates."

That made Ace's mind screech to a halt.

"Mates?" He asked incredulously.

"Yeah, my animal instincts determine who is a suitable mate for me. Don't worry, you're not one of them." Luffia said.

'That's not what I'm worried about.' Ace thought. "So, what's your crw like?" He said trying to change the subject.

"Oh! Zoro, he's my swordsman, practices three style. Usopp is our sharpshooter, Namizou is our navigator, he likes tangerines, maps, and money. Sanjina is our cook and a good fighter too. We also just got a doctor, and she's a reindeer. We also have a prince and a spot billed duck."

"That's a nice variety there." Ace said before he thought; 'At least there two other girls on the crew.' "Are any of them your mates or something?"

"Well, Zoro, Namizou, Vivian the prince are. And oddly enough, so is Smoker." Luffia said as Ace silently cringed.

'Sorry I asked.' He thought, thinking that they would want to defile his little sister.

Well, they have another thing coming!
Here's the next part. Sorry about the delay, I had projects, papersand finals coming up. It may take a while again for another chapter. Thank you for your patience!

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