The Leopard's Claws

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This one may be a bit short, because I tend to procrastinate, but I still want Luffia to meet her mates. Thank you for your patience!


Within a matter of a week or so, so many thing had already happened to the crew. 

Meeting Cricket at Mock Island and learning about the City of Gold.

Going up to Sky Island.

Enel becoming convinced that Luffia was a Goddess come up to be with him.

Luffia able to find a way to beat him. 

Departing from Sky Island.

Encountering Foxy and beating him.

And right now they were heading to Water 7 to find a shipwright and to fix their ship.

But...There was one problem.

After meeting with Paulie, Nami and Luffia learned a terrible truth.

Merry. she couldn't sail any more.

Her hull was too damaged from what a man with a talking pidgeon was telling them.

Luffia still couldn't believe it, but, she felt like it was too good to be true.

Merry had carried them all the way here, and took quite a beating along the way.

It would be hard for all of them to get a new ship.

Afterwards, Luffia found herself confronted by Lucci.

"Why is it that you...smell like me?" Lucci asked in a soft voice.

"...If you're talking about me being a cat...I suppose you ate a cat devil fruit too, right?" Luffia teased with a smile as her ears popped out.

"Cat-Cat Fruit, Model Leopard." Lucci smirked.

"Cat-Cat Fruit, Model Bastet. Mythical Zoan, if you're wondering." Luffia responded.

"That explains it."


Despite the obvious attraction, Luffia had to push it aside once Robin was taken by Lucci who was revealed to be a member of CP-9. In the process, Franky was also targeted and clued in to everything, and he had to destroy the blueprints they were after for Pluton.

It was a tough fight, but Luffia was able to get Robin back and beat Lucci.

"Maybe if fate allows it, we may meet again, Lucci-kun." Luffia said with a lick of her lips.

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