Grandpa Garp

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It wouldn't take long for the Strawhats to catch on to CP-9 and to rescue Robin. 

Although on Luffia's part, it was hard for her to fight against Lucci, since he had mate potential, and he was no slouch when it came to fighting. The she-pirate at least gained an upper hand at her elemental power with fire and was able to counteract him. 

But she was furious at Spandam who left Lucci and the others for Death with a Buster Call. She had her crew gather them and sent them off on a boat somewhere away from them.

In addition to having to burn Merry after using the last of her strength to save the crew, it was a really hard day. (Aw man, I cried so much when Merry burned. Heck I'm tearing up just writing this part.)

In the aftermath, Franky promised the crew to make them a proper ship that could endure the New World with Adam's Wood as a thanks for saving him too. 

But what no one expected was for Luffia's grandfather to show up. 

Vice-Admiral Garp to be precise.


After a humorous skirmish with Garp talking about how he wanted Luffia to train to be a marine and the bickering between him and Luffia, Garp cleared his voice and looked at the crew.

He noticed that most of them were males; including the swordsman, the navigator, and the archeologist they rescued. 'Well, at least I know Luffia only does crazy things for a good reason, and she did only declare war on the Government to rescue Nico Robin, in a way, it was for a good cause.' He thought. 

But if any of these men have any intensions of making his little kitten unhappy, they have another thing coming!

"I know that my granddaughter is developing instincts I can't control, that comes with her devil's fruit after all." Garp said to the three men gaining their attention. "But," the old man continued gaining a dark look. "If I hear that you lot made her unhappy for a foolish reason, you'll be finding yourselves in the lowest level of Impel Down. GET IT?"

The men in the crew with attraction to their captain shivered at the look Garp was giving them and nodded quickly.


Heehee I couldn't help putting that part in there.

And sorry for the delayed updates in my stories. Tests, papers, Senior finals and getting ready for graduation in college have been keeping me busy along with other things like getting a tour for my dream job on Spring Break. Oh, I do hope I get it! I'll be living the American Dream!

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