Drum Island

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To Luffia's distress, Namizou had fallen sick, and they didn't know why. Luffia had some medical knowledge, but not for a situation like this. They need their navigator.

Thankfully, the next island would be close.

However, it was getting colder, and Luffia had to wear a winter coat to her distaste.

She wanted to be in her dancer garb again.
On the main deck Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji are trying to figure out on the what the fuck just happen before they were surrounded by dozen of men wearing winter coat pointing their guns at them, they don't have time for this bullshits they need to get rid them so they can get back on the island searching, just as things couldn't getting any weirder, but an overweight man with an iron jaw is standing on the railing taking a bite on his meat from his knife like barbarian.

"Are you lowlifes really Pirates? There's only four of you; I bet they're weak" said the obese man and then to everyone shock and disgust the fat man had eaten the meat and knife all at once, and that just plain revolting, once the fat man swallowed his meal, he asked.

"Might as well ask then, I demand to see your Captain now"

"I'm the Captain of this ship and the name is Monkey D. Luffy" she said as she crossed her arms and sitting on the railing crossed legs, just when the overweight man took notice of her his iron jaw dropped, and two of his eyes popped out of his socket and turned into hearts, to say Luffy wasn't expecting this reaction and then to her surprise the fat man said.

"What the hell are you idiots doing? Why are you pointing your guns on a lady?" the men that surrounded Luffy were unsure of how to answer him back.

"Don't stand there like statues; take out your guns now!"

"Yes, Captain!" they chorused and point away their guns, the fat man jumped off the railing, walked up to her with suave smirk and combing his hair with his hand, once he reached her, he took hold of her small hand and he...starting to kiss her hand much time...wetly.

Usopp made a belching sound and feeling his stomach overturn; Zoro was on the Crow's Nest watching the most outrages display from above, teeth clenching together and his hands are holding on its railing and breaking the wood in his hold, Sanjina is on fire...literally, and his cigarette burned to ashes and Luffy is no better than them, her face is marred with revolt and she feel every ounce of hatred is sending out to that fat Pirate and once he finally removed her hand she looks at it, it's all wet and desperately want to shower...maybe three times to get this off.

"I'm sorry about my men; they have a hard time following my orders" said the fat man but Luffy ignored him as she too busy try to wipe away that disgusting slop off of her hand that have been violated by sloppily fat hippo.

"Allow me to introduce myself I'm Wapol, Captain of the Wapol Pirates, allow me to make up from my men's stupidity"

"If you gonna kiss me again I'll rip your mouth right off your face" she said bitterly.

"Even better...I'm planning to take you and make you my Queen"




"EEEEEHHHHHHHH!" the whole Crew screamed that shook Going Merry with it.

"FAT HIPPO SAYS WHAT?" Usopp yelled as his jaw dropped to the ground.

"I'LL TEAR OFF YOUR HIDE!" that was Zoro, who spoke with face that looks like shark making the men that surrounded him quiver.

"IF YOU THINK I'LL JUST LET YOU TAKE LUFFY-CHAN LIKE SOME BARBARIAN, I'LL ROAST YOU ALIVE" said Sanji as his the flame start to explode and swirls around him angrily, but Wapol paid no attention to them because his eyes locked tight on Luffy. Then Luffy spoke to him irately.

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