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Lucy's POV
"I swear to god if he comes over and tries to talk to me again, I'm gonna punch him in the god damn mouth!" My friend Sasha says.

"Yeah me too" I say.

This guys that has a thing for Jess has been trying to flirt with her on the bus for days. I think his name is Emerson. He is in a band with his two older brothers, Remington and Sebastian. They were called Kropp Circle, because their last name is Kropp, but apparently they are in the process of changing it.

"Hey Sasha!" I hear a familiar voice behind me  say. None other than Emerson Kropp.

"Go away or I swear I'll throw you out the fucking window!" I half yell to him.

"Jesus your insane! Just like me, I like it. What's your name anyway?" He says smirking.

"Like hell she would tell you Kropp" Sasha sasses back.

"Ohhh sassy Sasha" he says adding a wink.

"Thank god this is my stop! I'll call you later Lucy goose!" Sasha yells while getting up to get off.
I hate it when she gets off. It's not like Emerson ever talks to me, but I have a feeling that this afternoon might be different.

"Soooo are you gonna tell me your name? Or do I have to guess??" Emerson says.
I ignore him so he decides to guess.

"Bonnie? Rachael? Sam?"

I continue to ignore him. The one day I don't bring my headphones!!

"OH I GOT IT!!!" He yells making me jump.

"ITS THE LORAX!!!" He says jokingly.

"Can you just fuck off please?" I say getting even more annoyed.

"So it is the Lorax!!" Emerson says pointing toward me.

Finally it's my stop. I get to get away from Emerson.
Unfortunately I hear footsteps behind me as I walk off.
It isn't Emerson, it's probably just someone else. I think to myself.

Stepping off the bus, I hear Emerson call me. Great.

"What are you stalking me now?!" I say to him turning around.

"ahaha you wish Lorax. I actually just moved onto this street."

Oh crap. My neighbours just moved. Does that mean he is living next door to me?! I think.

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