Band Practice

182 7 3

Time Skip brought to you by..... Henry the potato, RIP 🙌😪❤️

"So you feeling better now?" Emerson asks.

After my little discussion with Remington, Emerson came back and we headed back downstairs. I still felt a bit dizzy, so Emerson gave me a piggy back down the stairs. Gosh he is so sweet.

"Yeah. Thanks for being so good to me. Most people would have freaked and left me" I say.

"Oh it's fine. I have panic attacks a lot so I knew what to do" he admits.

We sit there in awkward silence, watching a movie. I don't know what it was called but it was some soppy rom com. Not my first choice but there was nothing else.

"EMERSON BARRETT KROPP" I hear Sebastian yell scaring the living shit out of me.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT" Emerson yells back.




"Come on lets go" Emerson says standing up, reaching his hand out to pull me up.

"Where are we going? Isn't your drum kit here?" I ask.

"Yeah, but we always start by sitting around the dinner table and planning what we are gonna do today" He says.

"Oh okay. Organisation, I like it"

"Yeah it's too messy if we don't. We end up playing random crap for hours on end if we don't do this" He says.

Then I realise, he's still holding my hand. But somehow our fingers are now woven together.

When did that happen? God his hand is soft.

I can almost feel and electrical current going through our hands. But sadly, he realises what he's doing and pulls his hand away, blushing.

Gosh he is adorable when he blushes.

"Awh thanks" Emerson says.

"CRAP! I did it again didn't I?" I say realising I said that out loud.

"Yes you did. But it's okay, it's adorable. It's like your lost in a faraway world" he says.

"Will you two stop flirting and get your asses up here?!" I hear Remington say from the top of the steps.

Emerson and I both look at each other, then to our feet and blush.

"I'll race you up the stairs! 3...2..1" Emerson says. Before I know it, he's up the top of the steps. Stopping abruptly, he turns around and says,

"Oh shit. Sorry are you still feeling a dizzy?" He asks with genuine concern filling his entire face.

"Yeah actually. Mind carrying me up?" I say, knowing that's a complete lie, I just want him to carry me.

"Yeah of course. Jump on" He says reaching the bottom of the steps as fast as lightning.

"Jesus your fast" I say jumping onto his back.

"I know, I'm basically an Olympic Athlete" he jokes.

"Sure sure keep telling yourself that"

And then we're off. Speeding up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Ahhh so the lovebirds have finally arrived!" Sebastian says glancing towards us.

"Shut up!" Emerson says going red.

"You love me"


"Okay okay lets get down to business" Remington says.

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