The Sketchbook

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"Gosh Rem Rem these pancakes are really good!" I say shoving another bite into my mouth.

"I'm a man of many talents" he responds.

I'm sitting next to Emerson. His hand is just resting on my knee. Every now and again he will start to trace patterns around. Gosh he is so adorable.

"So any plans today?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm gonna watch Harry Potter with my Nutella" rem said smiling.

"I have lots of homework to do" I say.

"want some help Luce?" Emerson asks.

"Sure. We can head over to my place after breakfast is all cleaned up" I say.

"oh no don't worry about that. it's sebs day to do the cleaning!!" Emerson says.

"what the fuck I did it yesterday!" Seb exclaims loudly.

"No I did dumbass!!" Rem yells back.

"What the hell I did!" Sebastian yells.

"NO I DID!" Rem says standing up.

I sit back and watch the argument unfold.

"hey let's get out of here. they will be a while" Emerson says whispering into my ear.

"okay" I mouth back.

He grabs my hand and head out the door, heading towards my place. Remington and Sebastian didn't even notice.

When we get to my door, as I fumble around for my house keys, i notice Emerson getting a little bit on edge. I think I know why.

"Em don't worry my parents aren't home" I say.

"No no I'm not worried about that" he replies quietly.

"well what's wrong?" I ask getting concerned.

"I left my sketchbook in my locker at school" He says sadly.

"you draw?" I say.

I had no idea he could draw. From the sounds of it, his sketch book is important to him.

"Uh yeah. I'm not very good though" he says.

"well I have a spare sketch book in my room I think, you can use it if you want" I offer.

He lights up immediately. Almost as if I offered him 1000 dollars.

"Really?!" He says.

"Yeah sure"

Seconds after he is bouncing towards me and embracing me.

"Jeez for someone who can't draw very well you sure seem very excited" I say.

Honestly I think he is better than what he is letting on.

Finally he lets go, and I find my keys and unlock the door.
I give Em a quick tour of the house. I can tell he is really wanting to draw, so I take him up t my room.

"Ugh I know it's in here somewhere" I say digging through my closest to find the sketchbook.
After minutes of searching I finally find it and hand it to him.

"Thank you so much" Em says pulling me into another hug.

"It's okay. Now there's pencils on the desk. I'm just gonna do some homework" I say.

"Okay sounds good" He replies.

For the next 2 hours, Emerson doesn't speak. I look up every now and again to make sure he is even alive anymore. Sure enough he is. Happily sketching away. He seems to in the zone to bother him. So I just let him be.

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