Little talks / Trigger warning

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I don't even have the chance to get up the front steps before Emerson comes bounding out and pulls me into a hug.

"Good morning beautiful!" He says excitedly as I blush and look down.

"No no nooooo! look at meeee!" He says. I can't say no to him, so I look up.

"There's that face I missed" Emerson says sweetly.

"Calm down, we have only been on one date!" I say.

"Ugh whatever!" He says.

"Come on I'm starvinggg" I say pulling him inside.

Once we reach the kitchen, I am met with Remington, who once again, is in his apron and mits.

"Looking good rem rem!" I say laughing.

"I know! No wonder the ladies love me!" He says giving me a twirl and a smirk.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that!" Sebastian says walking in looking a little rough.

"morning seabass"

"Morning Lucy" He says tiredly.

"Oh my god how many times do I have to tell you?! Call me Luce!" I say rolling my eyes. (Pronounced loose).

"Sorry sorry, I'm tired as fuck!" He says.

"Yeah yeah, excuses excuses!" I say rolling my eyes.

"Uh Luce can you come with me for a sec?" Remington asked.

"Yeah sure?" I say following him to his room.

*in his room*

Rem shut the door, and patted the bed next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" I ask confused.

"I um... I uhhh....." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Spit it out rem" I say impatiently.

"Look yesterday when you were in Ems room, while he was getting some water, I thought I should check something because I know he used to, and still does" he says rambling.

"What?" I say.

"I check your wrists"

I'm completely shocked. I have no idea what g say.


"I just want you to know, we will always be here for you. I also know that your parents are almost never home. But if you don't want me to tell the others I won't. Your secret is safe with me. as long as you promise me, that you will try and stop"

"Okay. I will. Please don't tell him. I don't want to worry him" I say, pulling him into a hug.

"Wait wait wait" I say pulling away.

"Did you say Em does too?"

"Oh he used to. He was really depressed for a long time. He would lock himself in his room and never eat. He doesn't cut anymore. Sometimes he does. But only when things are really bad. He doesn't know that I know" he says.

"Wow. I mean I knew that he has anxiety, but I never knew he was depressed. Well honestly I don't know much about him at all." I say as my train of thought kept going.

"Yeah. He doesn't really enjoy talking about his feelings. Mum tried to get him to go to a psychiatrist but he never said much." Rem said.

"Damn. If you don't mind me asking, was it bad? like when he cut?" I asked nervously.

"It used to vary, sometimes it was really really bad, other times he would merely scratch himself. Which is still bad I suppose but yeah" he says.

"Okay. Well I'm sure the boys are wondering where we went so we should probably go back down" I say standing up.

"Please just remember that we are all here for you. You are welcome over anytime. Here's my number, Sebs number and the home number. I assume you already have ems?" He says punching numbers into my phone.

"Thank you Rem rem" I say pulling him into a big hug.

"Anytime Luce" He says hugging back.

"RACE YA DOWN STAIRS!" I say bolting off followed by Rem.

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