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"Look Emmy, I need to tell you something. You have probably heard rumours about this, but I can assure you what you heard, is not the truth" I say preparing him.

"Um okay?" He replies.

"I totally understand if this changes how you feel about me" I say, trying to stall.

"I'm fairly sure nothing could change that but okay" He says.

"Okay so basically, remember that guy I dated? Jack?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. Never liked him" he says.

"Yeah well, one night we were talking. It was really late, and things started to get Uh... heated I guess..... anyway one thing led to another and we sent nudes... he took a photo of mine from his iPad off his phone. I had no idea that he had. Anyway, the next day I wasn't feeling up to going to school, but I found out that he had showed and told a bunch of people.... and someone ended up telling the school. I got suspended for 7 days, and he only got 4.... that obviously affected me tremendously... and that's why I am mostly the way I am now.... so yeah that's that" I say feeling the cool breeze on my face as we walk.

"Wow. I mean I had heard about something happening, but I never knew it was that serious. That fucking asshole deserves to rot in hell. If I had known that was the reason you wanted to leave, I would have knocked him out" Emerson says.

"Yeah. I don't really want to talk about it anymore so can we just go home?" I ask.

"Yes of course, just know, I'll always be here for you. No matter what" he says.

"Thanks em, you too"

Time skip brought to you by Andy biersack

"Well do you want me to walk you to your door?" Emmy says.

"Em honestly it's okay. I'm not 12 anymore" I say slightly chuckling.

"Yeah but it's 5:23am who knows who got inside your house while you were gone" He says.

"Em, calm down my parents are inside" I lie straight through my teeth.

"Alright. Alright." He says throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Goodnight" I say walking off.

"Wait wait" Em says walking toward me.

"Yes what's up" I say looking down as he grabs my wrist.

"I um uh never mind" he says sheepishly.

Shit does he know? Did he see them? He couldn't have. Unless he checked when I was passed out at his place?

"Um alright?" I say.

"Night night. Don't let the bed bugs bite" He says walking off.



While making myself some breakfast, I hear my phone go off.

Emmy : hey, wanna come over? Rems making some breakfast? x

Me: sure I'll be right over! make sure there isn't any more spiders lmao x

Emmy: no guarantees! see you soon! xo

Completely ditching my toast, I run upstairs and get changed. I don't bother putting on any make up because I couldn't give less of a fuck about what I look like at this time in the morning.

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