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Emerson POV:
"Uh em are okay?" Lucy asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah. I just get a bit carried away, I guess, when I'm drawing sorry" I say embarrassed.
To be honest I forget where I was. I do this a lot. Drawing just captivates me.

"No need to be sorry" Lucy flashing a smile at me. God damn that girl will be the death of me I swear.

"So are you hungry or anything?" She asks.

"Starving actually" I say.

"Okay come downstairs and Ill see what we have to eat" she says getting up.

"Okay. As long as it isn't healthy" I say.
She giggles. Wow she is perfect. Following her downstairs I can't help but stare. The way she walks is just mesmerising. Her body is fantastic. She is fantastic. Not to mention, she has a fantastic ass. But that's not all I care about.


"Okay so we have a tub of ice cream, Doritos, Coca Cola and a whole bunch of random lollies. Pick what you want" she says.

"What flavour ice cream?" I ask.

"Mint of course. The best flavour of ice cream ever invented"
I make a mental note to remember she likes mint ice cream.

"how am I ever meant to choose?" I say dramatically.

"if you really can't decide, I'll just get it all out" she offers.

"Yes sounds good. Growing boys need lots and lots of sugar!" I joke.

"Em your like 18 aren't you?"

"Yeah so? I'm still growing obviously"

"I'm still 17 therefore meaning I am the one growing not you" she sasses.

"Fuck me. When's your birthday? I thought you were 18"

"No thanks not yet. And it's on October 28th 1997. So I will be 18 in 6 months. Wait when is your birthday?"

"you would so fuck me. and November 22nd 1996"

"I said not yet. Not never. Wait so that means you are almost a year older than me, so why are you still in school?"

I love how we are lowkey having a conversation about sex but not.

"So your implying you would fuck me. I had to repeat this year because I didn't have the grades to graduate last year" I say.

"Maybe who knows. Ohhh okay that makes sense" she says.

I drop the whole school thing and keep going with the fucking just to be annoying.

"You so would fuck me right now" I say.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Em" she says.

"Well I would sleep much better if you were there next to me but okay"

The words flow out of me before I can think about what I'm saying.

"Are you suggesting I sleepover tonight?" She saying smirking.

wait what! as if she is being serious right now.

"I mean, if you wanted to" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"sure. we can head over after we finish this feast" she says handing me a spoon for the ice cream.

"wait, your parents won't mind?" I ask.

"Nah, they are out of town at the moment" she says quietly.

"Okay. Shouldn't you call them first and let them know?" I say. 

"Em drop it. They don't care. They never have and they never will" she snaps.
After she says that, she collapses on the ground crying. I rush over and cradle her in my arms.

"Shhh it's okay Luce" I say trying to comfort her.

"they are never home. they are too busy with their work to even care about me" she says between sobs.

"Well fuck them. They don't deserve you. I mean seriously your their daughter. They should care for you. Don't worry me Seb and Rem will love you like our own family"

"Don't you think that's a bit weird? You like me but I'm you family?" She says giggling.

"Oh you know what I mean" I say smiling.

"yes I do" she says.

"Okay let's get you up so we can start this feast!" I say excitement running through my every word.

"Okay okay" she says while holding her hands out for me to pull her up.

"Fuck your heavy" I joke.

"Shut your mouth Barrett" she says giving me a death glare, while smiling.

And with that she chases me around the house throwing spoons of ice cream at me.

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