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As Emerson was kissing me, I felt like I was in heaven. His lips were just so soft.
After what felt like and eternity he pulled away smiling. A small blush creeping up into his cheeks.

"Wow that was wow" I say still in shock.

"A good wow?" He asked.

"A very good wow" I say chuckling at his silliness.

"Well I'm glad"

"Yeah same"

"Should we get food?" He asked.

"Of course we should! Is that even a question?!" I say.

"Okay okay jeez! Let's go!"

Timeskip brought to you by warped tour:

"Wow you can really cook!" I say shocked.

"Yeah it's something I had to pick up because when Remington and Sebastian aren't home I have to fend for myself" He says.

"Well you are always welcome at my place" I say.

"Thank you" He says smiling.

God can he get any more adorable?

"You said that out loud again" he says.

"Ah fuck" I reply going red yet again.

"Come on let's go eat" He says grabbing my arm.

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