20 questions... sorta

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"Well that was interesting" I say as I make my way down the stairs.

"Yeah Rem has an irrational fear of spiders. He is so tough apparently but as soon as there is a spider he's gone" Emerson says chuckling to himself.

"I can tell" I say.

"Uh so now what do you wanna do?" Emerson asks.

"Let's play 20 questions. You start" I say.

"Okay um, last name?"



"28th of October 2001"

"Favourite colour?"

"Black obviously" I say referring to my entirely black outfit.

"Right yeah. Um I'm out of questions" Emerson says.

I have some questions for you. I think to myself.

"How come you are so weird around me and Sasha?" I blurt our without even thinking.

"What? Weird? I'm not weird. I just have really bad social anxiety, and the way I cope with it is by being a cunt to most people" he says.

Well that makes a lot more sense.

"Oh okay. Well we thought that you were just trying to get into Sash's pants, and I was not about to let that happen" I say warning him.

"Oh good god no way. I'm not into that. Besides, I don't even like her. I just wanted to talk to you, but I never knew how." Emerson admits.
I'm shocked. Is he saying he likes me? Or is he just saying he wanted to be friends???

"Right okay. Well I don't know why you would want to talk to me. I mean look at me I'm not even attractive I'm not a nice person I'm...." I start to say.

"No shut up okay let me speak for a minute" Emerson says interrupting my long train of thought.

"I know that I freak you out some times but I never wanted to do that. I just didn't know how to tell you I like you. I think you are an amazing girl. I've never met anyone like you. Ever since I moved here 4 years ago, I knew that the moment I saw you, I wanted to be with you. I know that sounds creepy but it's the truth and I never thought I would ever get the chance to hang out with you but now I am and I'm really happy about it." He rambles.

Well shit. What do I say? I feel like I am about to have a panic attack. Why now? No please not now. I just want to have once normal conversation with someone.

My breathing starts to fasten. My hands start to shake. I start to see stars.  Then it's gone. I'm out. It's all black and blue (I'm sorry if you understand that reference but I had to 😹)

I wake up in a foreign room. In a foreign bed. Then I smell his scent.

"Hey your awake!" He says gently patting my head.

"Uh yea. What happened??" I say.

"You had a panic attack. So I brought you into my room." Emerson says.

"Thanks for that. Holy shit my head hurts. Do you have any aspirin??" I ask.

"Oh yea sure, I'll run downstairs and grab some!" He says jumping up.

Downstairs? I thought we already were downstairs?

"Oh hey, your up. Everything okay?" Remington says walking in.

"Yeah I'm just a little bit confused as to why I'm upstairs when I thought I was downstairs, and why I had a panic attack?" I say.

"Oh yea our house is 3 levels. The top is where our bedrooms are middle is the kitchen and living room, and downstairs is the band room. And I think you had a panic attack because Emerson finally admitted that he liked you!" Remington says.

"Oh my god." 

"Oh my god?" He mimicks.

"I thought that was a dream..." I say.

"No. Em has liked you basically ever since we all moved here a few years ago. He was so excited when he found out we were moving next door to you" Remington says.

"Fuck really?" 

"Yeah. Now I was watching the way you were looking at him before and I think you might have a little thing for him too. So I suggest to do something about that before he bursts!" Remington yells walking out of the room.

Do I like him? I mean yea he is really cute, and really sweet, and his laugh is to die for, and he is so caring and protective.... fuck.

Heyyyyy I'm rach, thanks for reading my fan fic. Although I doubt anyone will. Feel free to comment. My messages are always open so yea. I'll update soon. Love you all ❤️

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