The kiss

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Lucy's POV

After I threw tons of ice cream at Em and finally finished all the food, we walked back to his place. I'm so glad that I met him and actually gave him a chance.

"Okay so, you can either sleep on the floor of my room, the couch or my bed with me?" em says.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I say knowing that wasn't the answering he was wanting.

"Oh okay" he says disappointed. how could I say no to that face?

"I'm joking Em. If you really want I can sleep in your bed" I say.

"Really?!" He says very excited.

"Yes of course!" I say matching his excitement in a mocking way.

"Excuse me are you mocking me Lucy Bailey?" He says with a cheeky grin.

"So what if I am?" I sass back.

"Oh your gonna get it. Revenge is bittersweet my dear"

"well what are you going to do to me?" I say.

Before he can answer, Sebastian and Remington walk in.

"Hey seabass, Hey rem rem" I say waving.

"Hey" they both say with huge grins spreading across their faces.

What's with the grinning?

"What?" Em says clearly as confused as me.

"We heard that Lucy here will be sleeping in the same bed as you Emerson" Sebastian answers.

I feel my face start to go red.

"Yeah and?" Em says.

"Oh nothing. Just make sure to keep the noise down alright?" Remington says winking.

My face goes even redder. If that's even possible.

"Don't act so innocent" Emerson says.

"Oh Ana, yes Ana, oh fuck baby" Emerson says mocking Remington.
I'm guessing Ana is Remington's girlfriend.

"Shut up!" Remington says.

"Nice comeback" Sebastian says giving Emerson a high five.

"Now will you get out?" Emerson says.

"I hate you" Remington said in spite.

"Love you too!" Emerson said pushing him and Seb out the door.

"Sooooooo where were we?" Em says.

"I believe you were just about to tell me what you were going to do in revenge?" I say smirking.

"Oh right. Guess you will just have to wait and see" Emerson says adding a wink when he fished speaking.

"Fuck you"

"You wish" Em says.

"Yeah right!" I say pretending to be sick.

"We are not having this argument again!" Em says tackling me onto his bed.

"Stop em!" I say between laughs.

"Aw doesn't Lucy like being tackled?" He says like I am 4.

"No she doesn't!" I say pouting my lips.

Is he going to kiss me?

"Not yet sweetheart" Emerson says.

Crap I did it again.

I cover my face in embarrassment.
Then Emerson pulls my hands away.

"Don't cover your pretty face!" He says.

"Don't look at me I'm embarrassed!"

"Well you shouldn't be!" He says.

"Well I am"

And then he kissed me.

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