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Time skip brought to you by.. tru moo milk ❤️

4 hours and 1 McDonald's trip later, I finally decided I should probably head home.

"Hey emmyyyy, I'm gonna head home now" I say.

I came up with nicknames for all the boys; Emmy, or em for Emerson, Rem rem for Remington, and seabass for Sebastian. I have only just started talk to these boys today, but I really feel accepted and loved by them, especially Emerson....

"What noooo! It's only 10:30pm!!" Em replies.

"Yeah exactly! My parent will probably be over here any minute coming to look for me!" I say knowing that was a complete lie.

"Oh fine. Let me take you home"

"I literally live next door!"

"Yes I know but it's dark and who knows what could happen in the walk from here to there!" Em says with genuine concern.

"Oh alright you dork!"

"Bye Rem Rem! Bye Seabass!" I yell up to the boys in their rooms.

"Bye Lucy!"

"Shall we go?" I ask Emerson putting on my shoes.

"Yes lets go" He says holding his hand out for me to hold.

What? Why does he want me to hold his hand?

I grab and head out the door.

We walk in silence up to my front door.

"Thanks for walking me" I say.

"Oh no problem"

For a minute we just stare into each other's eyes, and I swear in that moment I thought he might kiss me.

"Thank you for everything this afternoon. I had a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time I had that much fun" I admit.

"Once again, no problem. And your welcome over time. Day or night. I don't usually sleep much. Neither do Rem and seb. One of us is most likely always awake" He says.

"Okay good to know. Wait can I get your number? Ya know, just in case I get bored?" I ask.

"Oh yea sure, give me your phone" He says letting go of my hand. If I'm being honest I was sad when he let go.

I hand him my phone, and he puts his number in.

"There all done. Shoot me a text whenever" he says handing my phone back.

"Sounds good. Goodnight Em, I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

"Um Lucy?"


Is he going to ask me out???

"You know it's Friday right?" He says chuckling.


"Oh fuck. Yeah I totally knew that!"

"Yea sure sure!" He says walking away.

"Goodnight Lucy the lorax!"

"Goodnight Emmy!"

I open the door, and as expected, no one is home. My parents are always busy working or whatever, and they're never home. Usually just me.

I walk upstairs and flop onto my bed. Gosh I'm tired, and hungry. But I couldn't be bothered to go and get food. Besides what's skipping one meal?

Instead I go into the bathroom and take a nice long and hot shower.

While in the shower, I decided to listen to a bit of Kropp Circle, because from what I heard earlier, they are pretty fucking good. I put on a song called "I can't stop the rain". I can tell it's an older song because Remington sounds a lot younger. I stay in the shower and listen to that song on repeat until I have no hot water left. Whoops.

By the time I'm out of the shower it's already 11:34pm. What? I like showers.

Wrapping my towel around me, I walk back into my room, shut my blinds, get changed into an old band shirt and some shorts, and grab my laptop.

I put on some black veil brides because I love them so much. Andy is so attractive. Eventually I put away my laptop and try to sleep.

I wake up and check the time. 2:47am. Great. I roll over and try to get back to sleep. 20 minutes later I give up and pick up my phone.

"Emerson Barrett" followed you on Twitter

1 minute later

"Emerson Barrett" followed you on Instagram

1 more minute

"Embkropp" added you on Snapchat


Why the hell is he awake right now?

I decided to send him a text.

Lucy The Lorax : why are you awake? X

Emmy : could ask you the same thing hon x

Lucy The Lorax : I couldn't sleep

Emmy : and as I told you earlier, I rarely sleep

Lucy The Lorax : oh yea sorry, I forgot

Emmy : That's Okay.

Lucy The Lorax : yeahhhh

Emmy : Meet me out the front of my house in 10, don't bother getting changed, bring a blanket just in case.

Lucy The Lorax : um it's almost 3 in the morning but okay????

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