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"Emmy, what am I doing here at this time in the morning?!" I say walking up to his front door where he is standing.

"No questions. I just wanted to show you something" He says.

"Should I be scared?" I ask.

"No no it's all good" he reassures me.

*time skip*

"Emmy this is gorgeous!" I say looking into the distance.

After we left, we walked for a few minutes and ended up in the middle of nowhere watching the city sleep.

"Yeah I know right. I come here when I'm not feeling good. Or when I want to draw alone" he says.

"I seriously can't believe this view"


"How did you find this place?" I ask.

"That is a story for another time" he replies.

"Aw please Emmyyyyyy"

"No not tonight gorgeous" he says.

Gorgeous? Is he flirting me? What do I say? Fuck.

"Uh sorry, it slipped out" Emerson says. He must have noticed my confusion.

"That's alright" I say looking back towards the sky.

Wow he is so adorable I can't even.

"You said that out loud. And thanks" Emerson says.

Shit. I did it again. I need to start working on this. It's getting a bit ridiculous.

"Fuck sorry" is say.



"Will you go out with me?"

Oh my fucking god. What do I say???

"Yes of course Emmy"

"Okay. Can I hug you?" He asks.

"Oh my gosh your adorable. You don't need to ask permission to hug me" I say moving closer to him.

How have I lived this long without Emerson's hugs?!? They are so warm and oh my god I can't even explain it.

"So should we start heading home? Or do you wanna stay for a little longer? He asks.

"Can we go to maccas? I'm really fucking hungry" I say.

"Sure let's go" He replies.

Within 20 minutes, I am sitting at a table in the empty McDonald's waiting for Emmy to get back with my food.

Should I tell him? Will he change his mind and not want to be with me anymore? It's not fair if I don't tell him. He has a right to know.....

"You okay?" Emerson says places my food in front of me.

"Oh um yeah. I'm good" I say.

I need to tell him. Just not right here right now...

"No, there's something wrong, what's going on? Are you feeling a bit rushed because if you want we can just take things a bit slower, I mean we only just hung out for the first time today.." em says.

Just use that as an excuse for now until you work out how to tell him.

"Yeah. I think we should. We could consider this as our first date. You still have permission to hug me though!" I say.

Okay he's distracted

"Alright. I don't want you to feel pressured or anything" He says not even showing the slightest bit of hurt.

"I promise you won't be able to pressure me. I'm very stubborn" I say hoping to make things a bit lighter.

"Oh really? Is that so?" Emmy says with a smirk.

"Sure is bucko" I say.

Emerson bursts out laughing when I say bucko.

"Heyyy don't laugh at me" I say pouting.

"I'm sorry. It was really adorable!" Emmy says.

"Shut up" I say blushing.

Then, almost as if right on cue, he walks in.

"Emerson we need to go right fucking now" I say standing up.

"What? What's wrong?" He questions.

"Get the fuck up we are leaving right fucking now" I say.

"Geez you really are stubborn" he says.

"Yeah yeah come on" I say practically dragging him outside. 

I suppose I have to tell him now......

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