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I was watching a movie when my phone started to ring for the first time. I didn't know that my phone was ringing, because I thought it was in the movie I was watching that night.

It was a typical High School movie, with a popular boy who falls in love with the shy nerd. He has a cheerleader as girlfriend but breaks up with her for the shy nerd who tutors him. His ex-girlfriend falls in love with the best friend of the shy nerd, who is also a nerd, but a boy.

I thought it was a phone in the movie, because they were in a crowded place and some of them were on their phone. The ringing didn't stop, even though the people in my movie were in a scene where they were making a math test.

That was the moment when I realized it was my phone that was ringing. I grabbed it from my nightstand next to my bed, and looked at the screen. Unknown. Great, again an unknown number what's trying to call me.

I waited a little longer before I answered. There were unknown numbers calling me multiple times. Some were my friends who tried to be funny and others were people who thought I was a pizza pick up service. Kind off weird.

I sighed and answered the call. "Hello?" I said, whispering. My roommate, Amanda, was asleep in the bedroom next to me so I had to be quiet.

The person at the other side of my phone didn't answer for a couple of seconds. "Hey I'm sorry to call you but my friends are kinda busy and I just need to talk to someone. You don't know me and I'm aware of that but I just thought that maybe you could listen to me. You don't have to help, I just want someone to listen to me," the person said.

I eyes widened a little and I frowned. This voice was beautiful. I smiled to myself and talked back. "Oh, uh, yeah. Of course. Where do you want to talk about?" I said whispering. My roommate was still asleep.

"I'm going through a hard time and my friends have the same issue so I can't talk to them about it, because they're struggling as well.. Eh, like I said before. Are you sure you want to hear me out? It's much to ask from you and it's fine if you don't want to listen to me," the voice said. It was a male voice, a beautiful one.

"Of course," I said. He sighed in relieve. "Oh my god thank you so much stranger. That means the world to m-"

The boy —I guess it was a younger boy, maybe around my age— was cut off by another voice shouting. "Don't call at this damn time of the night!" A woman voice shouted to him.

I heard the boy sigh. "I guess I'll just have to wait to get this off my chest. Sorry for bothering you. I hope I didn't wake you up and I hope you have an amazing night."

I looked at the time for a short moment. "It's alright, I was watching a movie. Goodnight unknown." I heard him chuckle a little and that made my lips curl into a big smile. I made him laugh while he was sad.

"Goodnight stranger."

He hung up and I laid my phone back on my nightstand. I closed my laptop and put it on my nightstand as well, lying down on my pillow. I sighed and started to think about the unknown boy.

That was the first time we called, but it was definitely not the last time. It had only just started.


hi i'm very excited about this story and i hope y'all will like this as much as i do or maybe more :)

2AM CALLS - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now