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I suck at updating sorry guys :c


Luke is chewing on a donut while he scrolls down all the games on my Nintendo Switch. He says he has been wanting a Switch for so long but always forgets to get one. He's glad I have one so we can play some games together.

Such a cute puppy, I love that. He's one of the richest people alive and forgets to get a Nintendo Switch. Love that about him.

"Can we do Just Dance?" I ask him when he's still looking at the games. I don't even have that much games, maybe around 15 or something. He takes too long to look at all, no idea what he's actually doing.

"Sure, you have too much energy so it'll be a good idea to play Just Dance." I nod and take the Switch out of his hands. I connect the other thing with the TV so we can play on that.

Luke already got the controllers and puts the wrist bands around it. I already swinged one of the controllers through my room so I definitely need that wrist band.

Luke gives me the red controller after I connected the switch to the TV. Of course he wants the blue one. I smile to myself and click on the game so it starts.

We start to play Just Dance when everything was set up. I must admit that Luke is really good at Just Dance. I didn't want to believe it when he won three times of around the twenty dances we've done. It was cute seeing him being excited about winning the game, and I wish I had let him win many more times to see that reaction.

"I'm exhausted," Luke mumbles when he falls down on the bed after playing Just Dance for over an hour now. I smile and plop down while looking at him. "Me too but I still have much energy."

Luke looks at me and frowns. "Are you kidding? Jimi we have been playing Just Dance for more than an hour now, how are you still not tired?" I lift my shoulders and sigh softly.

"Don't know. I think you being close to me gives me energy!" He chuckles and sits up. "Want to play another game or watch a movie?" He asks me.

"None of them," I say. He frowns. "Oh? But you said you wanted to play Mario Kart-"

"No I want to order pizza." He smiles. "Sure." Luke grabs his phone from the nightstand and dials a number.

I just watch him. The way his lips move when he talks is the prettiest thing I have ever seen. His voice makes me go weak in the knees. Luke makes me feel things I never knew I could feel.

I like the way his arms move when he explains something on the phone, when he laughs because what the person on the phone says, the way his mouth turns into a smile when he listens to the other person's story.

I just like every little thing about me and that sucks. Because Luke will never feel the same thing about me.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when Luke slams his phone a little too hard on the nightstand. "Oh shit, that was hard," he says while mumbling the last two words. I chuckle.

"Dumbass." He rolls his eyes and looks at me. "So do you want to watch a movie know?" I shake my head. Luke frowns.

"What, why not? I swear Jimi, we're not going to play Just Dance again. I'm exhausted!" I roll my eyes at him. It wasn't even that long, pussy.

"No, we're going to play Mario Kart while eating pizza. Because even when I'm not focussed and playing with one hand, I can still beat you."

2AM CALLS - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now