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He didn't call me yesterday.

I was freaking out, again. I knew that it was stupid because I didn't even know what his last name was, or how old he was, but I was still freaking out.

I cared about Luke. I cared about him more than I cared about myself at the moment. I have known him for 2 weeks now, but it feels like I've known him for years. I knew more about him than most people do and that was probably why.

I was freaking out because I was scared. I was scared because I thought he did something to himself. And I couldn't have that. I didn't want him to be dead. I didn't want him to have pain.

He deserves so much more.

I sighed and looked at my phone. It was six in the morning and Luke didn't call me. I slept for 2 hours, but woke up because I was too concerned.

Should I text him? No, he probably didn't even want that if he was still alive. He's still alive. I have to tell myself that every damn minute of the day. He's alive, he's not dead. He wouldn't do that, right? He wouldn't do that to me.

I stood up from my bed and walked out of my bedroom. I have classes in two and a half hour. Staying up and doing something with my life was better than being concerned about Luke.

I started to make some coffee, also cutting some fruit to put in my yoghurt. I sat down at the kitchen table after I was done making my breakfast.

I sighed again and took a bite of my yoghurt with fruit. I looked around our dorm house, chewing slowly. It was so quiet. Amanda was still asleep, and I'm not blaming her. It's six in the fucking morning, who's not asleep? Oh yeah right, me. Of course.

I was still doubting on texting him, but I was too scared. I think too much. Should I call him? No. Texting is better. But I was scared to text him.

I sighed to myself and stopd up, putting my bowl with my breakfast in the sink. I'm just going to text Luke and take a shower. And I'll see if he'll ever reply to me or not. I hope he does.

I grabbed my phone and went to the messages app. I clicked on his phone number and started typing. My heart was pouding hard. I've never been so nervous in my life.

Hey Luke, are you okay? Please tell me that you're okay. I missed you calling me. x Jimi

I hope that he'll reply because otherwise I'd be the most stupid person ever. Or I already am, I have no idea.


this one's for my bb max bc they wanted an update so here it is! you're welcome cutie

oh it was my birthday yesterday and i turned 18! hope y'all had a great week by the way !!

2AM CALLS - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now