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"Hey," Luke said softly. I smiled to myself. "Hey Luke, I missed you." I bit my lip. I was glad that he was still alive, even though Luke didn't want to be alive. It's never the option.

"I just- Jimi I'm so sorry. I left you without telling you what was wrong with me. I'm sorry I- I just.." He couldn't take it anymore. Soft sobs were coming from his lips. "Jimi I feel so bad for everything," he said. I tried to calm him down.

"Luke please don't cry," I said. "It hurts me when you're crying." He took a deep breath. "Jimi I feel like shit. I don't want to be here anymore and I hate it that they saved me. But, I'm also glad because I couldn't leave you without a goodbye. I think that's one of the reasons why God saved me."

I smiled. "I'm glad that God saved you." He sighs softly. "Me too. And I- Eh, I don't know if you want to but I want you to see me when I talk about myself and about my past," Luke says. "So can we Facetime?"

"Yeah sure of course. I look like shit though, so don't mind that." He chuckled. "I bet that you look fine. I look worse, seriously."

"Hm okay. I'm excited to see who you are," I said. I heard Luke chuckle for a little. "Haven't you?"

"No. I didn't want to look at the internet to see who you are. I wanted it to be special I guess." Luke chuckled again. "Okay, well, I'm going to Facetime you now. Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Yeah I am. Call me on Facetime, Luke." "I will Jimi," he said after hanging up.

I took a deep breath and licked my lips. It was really happening. I would see Luke and he would see me, both for the first time. I could use the internet to see who Luke was but I didn't want that. I wanted it to be a surprise for me, I wanted it to be special. Because Luke is special. He's special to me.

I looked at my screen when his caller ID popped up, asking if I wanted to Facetime him. I smiled and breathed in and out, then answering the Facetime call. Luke's face popped up and my eyes widened.

He's hot.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked nervously. He looked away from the camera and played with his sheets. "I know that I look bad," he said. I smiled and admired his face. "You don't look bad," I said, "You look amazing. You're very handsome."

He looked back at me and chuckled. "Are you sure? You don't have to say it to make me feel better about myself. I know that I'm ugly, Jimi." I shook my head. "You're not ugly. You're really attractive Luke."

He smiled a little. "Okay. I still don't believe you but thank you," he said. I nodded. "I hope you'll believe me one day."

He nodded. "I hope so too. By the way, you look cute. You have a cute face. I like your eyes." I blushed. "Oh, eh, thanks," I tried to say, but it didn't came out like I wanted.

Luke laughed softly. "And adorable. Jimi you're really pretty." I smiled. "Thank you Luke," I said.

There was a short silence. I coughed a little. "Hey, I don't want to sound rude or something but I'm really curious actually," I said softly. Luke looked at me and nodded. "Yeah okay I get that. Uh, I'll start from the beginning I guess?"

I smiled. "Sure." Luke sat down somewhere else and put his phone against a wall or something, so he could go hands free.

"Okay so, hi Jimi, I'm Luke Hemmings. I'm 21 years old and I'm in a band named 5 Seconds of Summer," he started. I smiled. "Okay um.."

He thought of something, probably where he wanted to start with. "Okay so I'm from Australia. I was around 16 years old or something when I started the band with my best friends, Michael Clifford, who you texted with, Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood. Eh, Michael and I are both gitarists and Calum plays bass, Ashton is the drummer." I nodded for him to continue.

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