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"I'm sad you're leaving," I say when Luke and I are sitting against a big tree in the sun. We're having lunch in a park, enjoying the last hours we have together before Luke heads of to another city to continue his tour.

"Me too," he says with a sigh. He looks at me and takes off his sunglasses. He smiles a little and then wraps his arm around me. "But we're going to call and text every day."

I nod and lean a little against him. "Yes. We're definitely going to do that, for sure." I nod again and look at the people around me. A few kids are playing football, kicking the ball with wide smiles on their faces and having the time of their lives. Some parents are walking with their kids, enjoying the sun with a nice walk through the park. Others are just like me and Luke picknicking and enjoying a nice lunch in the sun. Some are walking their dog.

All people are doing different things, but what I see that's all the same is the smile on everyone's faces. Everyone is happy. Like it should be.

"Are you going to be alright, Jimi?" Luke puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him. I swallow the lump that formed in my throat because of his face being so close to me, and I nod softly. "Yeah, are you?"

He nods slowly. "Yes, yes I am. I'm going to be fine. I'm finally back on track, you know? All because of you. I'm feeling happy again. The happiest I've ever been."

My lips curl into a smile and I grab Luke's hand in mine. I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh a little. "I'm so glad you're feeling happy, Luke. That's what you deserve."

Luke rubs his thumb over my hand and I can feel his breathing becoming faster. "We all deserve to be happy. Everyone around the world. It's the best feeling ever, I can tell you," he says with a huge smile. He looks down at me again.

"Thank you for reminding me how amazing it is to be happy at all times, Jimi. I'm really thankful for you. I'm so glad you're in my life and I wouldn't know where I would be if it wasn't for you to come into my life. You made me feel alive again, so thank you."

My smile grows wider and I lean more against him, wrapping my arms around Luke. I hug him tightly. "You're welcome Luke. I'd do anything for you to be happy."

We hug for a little longer. Then Luke pulls himself away from me. "We should go. I still have to pack my stuff. Our flight is in four hours."

I nod and stand up. We grab everything and make sure to clean up everything. We then walk out of the park, back towards the hotel. Our lasr hours together for a very long time starts now.


"I'm going to miss you," Calum says when we're walking towards the right gate. "You're going to miss me?" I frown and look at him.

"Yeah! You've becoming such a support to us. I mean, you make Luke happy and you're there for him. That makes us happy, you know? People who support Luke support us, and we support those people back. We really like you. It's sad that we can't really hang out more so me, Ashton and Michael can get to know you some more but I'm sure we will in the future." Calum says. He looks at me and smiles.

"Thank you for your kind words, Calum." I laugh and give him a hug when we stop walking. We're at the right gate. They're leaving soon.

He hugs me back. "You're welcome. Just telling you what's on my mind." I smile and pull away from him. "I'm sure we'll become good friends in the future. We should play iMessage games. I hope you're better than Luke, he sucks at those."

"I heard that!" Luke gasps and pouts. "I'm the best at them."

"That's a damn lie, you always lose!" Michael exclaims. He looks at Luke while shaking his head. Luke is still pouting. "I'm really not that bad."

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