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"So this guy keeps calling you at night?" Amanda asked me before she took a bite of her cookie. I nodded. "Yeah."

She laughed with her mouth full. "Amanda! Keep your mouth shut, ew," I mumbled. She laughed once more, but after she swallowed her cookie.

"That's fucking strange man. I mean, why at 2am? Why not another time? Why even you?" I shrugged. "I don't know."

"You really don't know who this guy is?" Amanda asked me again. I shook my head. "No, nothing more than his name. I know his name is Luke and that's all."

"Where do you guys talk about?" Amanda asked. She looked at me with a curious look on her face. I lifted my shoulders a little and leaned with my head in my hands, looking around the little cafe we're drinking coffee at.

"Stuff," I mumbled. She rolled her eyes. "Thanks for your great explanation Jimi. Thank you very much," she mumbled.

I shrugged. "Sorry, I just don't think he appreciates it if I'll tell people where we're talking about. It's pretty private," I said. Amanda started to laugh, again.

"But he tells you, a complete stranger, his private stuff? Isn't so private anymore, huh?"

I bit my lip. She had a point there. But still, Luke told me his struggles because he trusted me and because he felt like I listened to him. I didn't want to expose his feelings to everyone I talked to. That was none of their businesses, and it was also not mine but Luke wanted to tell me and that was his choice.

"It's his choice that he's telling me all the stuff in his personal life. I can't tell people what his issues or happy things are because it's his life, and not mine. He chose me to talk to, for some reason. Maybe he kind of trusts me, I don't know. But it's not to me to tell everyone where it's about since no one besides me knows about this," I said after a short silence.

Amanda looked up to me and nodded. "That's true I guess.. Well, I hope you still get enough sleep because 2am is a pretty shit time," she said. I nodded.

"Don't worry Amanda, I'll be fine. I'm still okay, right?" I gave her a smile and she returned it. "Of course you do, Jimi. You look fine."

I chuckled. "Good, that's where I was going for."

"But I'm serious though. Just don't call if you're really tired, or if you don't want to. Remember that you barely know this guy." I nodded to agree to her.

"I know," I said, still smiling.

But I knew Luke more than anyone else, because I knew how he was feeling every second of the day and in every situation. I knew more about him than his own parents. All because he trusted me. He wanted me to listen to him, to his deepest secrets.

And I know that I was just a random number what he called, he still chose my number over ten thousand other numbers. He typed all the digits to my number for a reason, I just know that.

Amanda could say what she wanted, but I knew what it was really like. I knew Luke better than she thought.

But she was also looking out for me and I should appreciate that. She cared about me and showed me that. I appreciate her, though, of course I do. She's my best friend and she knows that.

She just had to shut her mouth a little because I'm fine. And I will be fine.

I hope Luke will be fine too.

2AM CALLS - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now