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I walk towards the back door where Luke told me to go. He said I had to show them my backstage pass and it would be good. I didn't know it actually works like that, assuming that was only in fanfictions or whatever but this time it really was.

I see someone and smile. "Hello! I'm Luke's friend and I have a backstage pass," I say while I show my pass to the woman. She smiles. "Of course!" She scans the barcode of my pass and lets me in right after.

"Walk down this hall untill you see a yellow sign, you have to turn right there and follow the signs. You'll see another woman standing there and she'll help you!"

I nod and thank the woman before walking into the direction she told me to go. I walk to the yellow sign and turn right, following the signs that tell me where to go. I look around. This is just the regular hall, all the fans will walk here too before the show starts. I smile. That would be me if I was a fan and didn't know Luke personally.

I see another woman and decide to go there, since I think it's the one I'm supposed to talk to. "Hey, I was just at the back door because I got backstage passes. The woman there said I had to see you."

The woman nods. "That's right sweetheart! Come on, I'll bring you backstage. I think Luke has been asking about you." She smiles. "He came here some minutes ago, asking if a beautiful girl has come here already."

I blush because of here words and follow her when she starts walking. "I'm sure he didn't say that." She chuckles. "Oh he did, trust me."

We take some turns and then walk towards a door. The woman says hello to a man and walk in with me. We are met with many people walking around. People with clothes, people with lights, people with guitars; many people.

"I got someone for Luke," the woman says to another woman. Damn, there are a lot of woman working here. We love strong woman.

"Oh yes! Of course. I was asking him why she didn't come with him since that would be easier but this works just fine. Come on, I'll bring you to their changing room," the woman says.

I smile and nod. "I'm their hair stylist, by the way." I give her another smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jimi."

"I'm Alexia!" I nod slowly while following her into another hallway. She opens a room and lets me in. "Have fun! See you later." She winks and walks away after I entered the room.

"Hey Jimi!" Luke walks towards me when he sees me. He wraps his arms around my smaller form and hugs me tight. "I missed you." I chuckle while hugging him back. "I missed you too."

"Oh! Come and meet my bandmates," he says while he takes my hand in his. He drags me to another part of the room. It's a lot louder here. A tall, black haired guy is drumming with some sticks on the sofa while a blonde guy is drinking some liquid. Can't figure out if it's water or alcohol.

"This is Ashton! Ashton, meet Jimi, my friend." He points to another guy, the one I didn't see yet. I smile and stick out my hand. "Hey I'm Jimi."

"Nice to meet you!" He says with a warm smile. He takes a sil from his drink, and I can smell it's some drink with alcohol in it. I'm guessing the other guy has that too.

Luke then drags me to the blonde haired guy. "This is Michael, he's the other guitarist. Oh and, Ashton was the drummer." I nod while shaking Michael's hand. "Nice to meet you Michael, I'm Jimi."

"Nice to meet you Jimi! We've heard a lot about you." I chuckle softly and Michael winks at me. Luke rolls his eyes and takes me to Calum. "This is Calum, the bassist."

"I thought he was the drummer," I say when I look at the drum sticks in his hand. Calum laughs softly and shakes my hand. "Well, I'm not. I'm the bassist of the band, Calum Hood. I play the bass."

"I mean, pretty logic if you're the bassist. I'm Jimi! Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." He smiles kindly and goes back to his drumming session. The one he's having himself. You can see he has loads of fun with it.

"Luke! You're on for hair. I hope your girl doesn't mind being alone with the other guys." Luke looks at me. "That's fine right? You can get to know them some more." I nod. "Go ahead, you have to get ready. I'll be fine."

He smiles and lets go of my hand while walking after Alexia. I sit down on the couch that's places in the middle of the room. I look around the room and notice Ashton walking towards me.

He sits down and leans against the back of the sofa, turning his head to me, making sure I know he's talking to me. "So, you're the girl Luke has been talking about."

"I guess so?" I say with a small laugh. "Don't know what he's been saying."

"That he met this really nice girl over the internet. And the fact she lives in San Francisco. He really wanted you to be here." Ashton smiles. "You make him really happy."

"I do?" I sound a little too surprised for my liking. Ashton nods. "Oh yes! He's been a lot happier since he met you. He's been feeling more like himself again. Thank you for that, we missed the happy Luke. Because of you we have him back."

My cheeks start to turn a deep shade of red. Ashton noticed it and smiles. "I know it's weird to think about, but you really do make him happy. We can all see it."

"I'm glad he's happy. He deserves to be," I say. Ashton nods. "He really does."

I smile and look down at my hands. "Has he really been happy since he met me? I always thought he wasn't."

"Well, he wasn't at first because he was still the sad Luke at the beginning. But when you guys started to become closer he started to become happy too. He talks about you a lot, you know? I know I shouldn't say it but he does. He likes you. He really does, he's just afraid to tell you."

I nod slowly. "I was already hoping he did." Ashton laughs. "Don't worry about that. It's clear he does. I've know him for ages now so I can tell."

I smile and loom back at Ashton. "Yeah, he's my best friend." Ashton's smile turns into a small smirk. "He wants to be more."

"He does?" And there is my surprised voice again. Ashton nods excitedly. "Yes! Don't you see it? Oh of course you don't, you like him just as much as he likes you." Ashton chuckles.

"Luke's just afraid to start anything because of the life he has. You're a college student, he's an celebrity touring around the world. He doesn't want to put you in the middle of that."

"That's really sweet." I smile and think about the words Ashton just said. I know he's right. I've been feeling it. I know how Luke talks to me, I just don't want to see it. He has given me many hints but I just ignore them, afraid they won't be true. But they are.

I humm a little, smiling like an idiot. Ashton's words really made me smile. "What's up?" Ashton asks me. He looks at me with a questioning face. I smile before I start to speak.

"Well, if it helps any; we started on the phone, and I'm sure we can continue that for as long as we want."

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