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"Yes, finally some time alone."

Luke plops down on my bed and looks at me with a smile. I chuckle and close all the curtains in my room. My roommate isn't home, she's in her parents home, looking after her three dogs because her parents are on a vacation. Pretty nice right now, I can be here with Luke without needing to look out for another person. Not that I don't like my roommate, she's amazing, but I just like some privacy now.

"What do you want to do?" I ask Luke when I'm done. He smirks and winks at me. "What I want to do? I think you know exactly what I want to do."

My cheeks turn a light shade of pink and I look away. "Oh, um- Well, yeah?"

Luke chuckles and stands up, then cupping my face with both his hands. He smiles and caresses my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm so glad I'm seeing you again. I missed you." Luke leans forwards and presses his lips onto mine. I smile in the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. Luke then pushes me onto my bed and hangs above me, pulling away.

"So, you said you wanted to watch some Netflix, right?" I smile and nod a little. "Yeah."

"Let's watch something." He kisses me again and then gets off me. "I'm finally able to cuddle you again you have no idea how happy that makes me," he says.

"Oh, yes!" I say way too excited, but who cares. Luke can know I absolutely love cuddling with him. Everytime we watch a show together I fall asleep and Luke always says it's the most adorable thing ever. When I'm cuddling with Luke I feel so safe. I think that's why I fall asleep so easily. His presence just makes it easy to fall asleep. It's really comforting. He's so warm and big, it's perfect.

"What do you want to watch?" Luke asks me. I shrug. "Doesn't matter. A movie, show, I don't care." He chuckles. "You can choose this time, I always choose."

Luke looks at me and I sigh. "But why!"

"You can choose anything!"

And then I decided I wanted to watch Gossip Girl with Luke because sometimes he's such a softy and I'm sure he would love Gossip Girl. To my surprise, he didn't even mind it a single bit and now we're halfway episode three and Luke is totally loving it.

I knew he'd like it, but I didn't know he would love it this much. He's so into it it's funny.

"I love this show Jimi." Luke pulls me closer and presses a kiss on the side of my head. "It's really funny." I smile and look at him. He's smiling and his eyes are focused on the screen of my laptop. Luke's hair is messy; it's adorable. His curls are everywhere, the look I love on him the most.

He sometimes styles his hair like a rockstar. When he's on stage his hair is sometimes different, but at home his hair is cute and fluffy and curly and I love it. He should have that at any time of the year. Every second of the day.

"I'm glad you like it," I whisper. He chuckles and looks me into my eyes. "I wouldn't think I'd like the show but it's really good! It's a show for girls I think but it's really funny." He smiles and focusses on the screen again.

I've seen Gossip Girl already, but I wanted to rewatch it again anyway. With Luke would be perfect.

Sad thing is, he's leaving after this weekend.

I pout a little and nuzzle my face more into his chest. I don't want him to leave. I want to be with him at any time and have him with me. I don't want to be in college and I also don't want him to be on tour. I want to be able to see him any day and at any time.

But I can't. And that's fine too. It is what it is. He's finally able to be on stage again and love the shit out of his work. And himself, too. That makes me happy.

Luke loves his work and his fans and everything around him including himself. That makes me the happiest almost girlfriend ever.

I smile again and close my eyes. I remember the first time we ever called like it wasn't even that long ago. I thought it was weird at first, but when Luke started talking I immediately got interested. I wanted to be there for him, to listen to him. I really didn't know why I wanted to but now I know.

Luke needed help and called a random number. Luke just wanted to be heard, and I was there for him at that time. It took that to happen to find my true soulmate, I'm sure of that. I haven't felt this way about anyone but Luke. He makes me feel loved, makes me feel pretty. He makes me feel the happiest ever.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke asks me. He pauses the show. "You," I say. He smiles.


Luke kisses my lips shortly and then gets out of bed. "Do you have snacks?" I nod and Luke walks away, probably going to the bathroom and then taking some snacks with him.

I look at my phone and I'm met with a photo of me and Luke on ny background. It was the day of him being in San Fransisco and us going to the mall, with matching shoes. That day changed it all for me.

"I'm back!" Luke throws some snacks onto my bed and crawls under the covers again. I cuddle close to him again and instantly feel whole again. His warmth makes me feel so nice.

"Oeh, chips," I say with a smile. I take the bag and open it. Luke takes a bite and looks at me. "I'm so happy I came here to visit you, you know? I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. Can't wait 'till summer."

"Me neither, I'll be able to see you for months, no pause, just me and you any second of the day," he says with the biggest smile ever, wandering off to the thought of us being together for two months straight.

"I can't wait." I smile and press my lips onto his for a sweet kiss while going through his hair with my chips hands.

Oops, kinda gross. He has to shower anyway.

2AM CALLS - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now