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Luke and I walk around San Fransisco. We're currently looking for a nice place to eat at. Luke insisted that it was a date, but I didn't even dress well. Now I feel completely under dressed. He said it was fine, I look good, but I really don't look like I'm on a date.

When I'm on a date with Luke I just want to look good and not wear some jeans and shirt. It's the most casual you can look, I just want to dress up a little when it's a date. But well, Luke said it was a date, I wasn't so happy about that.

"Want to eat here?" Luke asks me. We get to a nice restaurant. I shake my head. "Not really in the mood for steak to be honest," I mumble. Luke nods and we walk further. "Oh! Mc Donald's!" 

Luke laughs. "You really want to go there? You can't go on a date at Mc Donald's." I shrug. "Watch me. I can really use some chicken nuggets," I say and walk towards the building. Luke laughs behind me and jogs a little to walk besides me again. "Alright."

It wasn't a date anyway, Lukey.

We get inside and I smile. Oh, yes, I was so in the mood for this.

Luke walks towards the counter and speaks up. "Hello, I'd like a large big mac menu," he says to the boy in front of him. "With a vanilla milkshake.. And I would like some chicken nuggets as well." The boy smiles and then looks at me. "Medium chicken nuggets menu with iced coffee please."

The boy nods and Luke takes his card before I even get the chance to grab it. Dang it, why does he always pay? Annoying.

We get a number and wait for it to be done. I constantly look at the screen to see if our order is done already. "I'm so down for this, you have no idea," I say. Luke laughs and wraps an arm around me. He holds me close and looks down at me.

"Oh yeah, is that so? Mc Donald's date night?" 

I nod. "Yes, but it's not a date." He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "It sure isn't huh."

My eyes widen. "Our order is ready!" I walk away from Luke and grab it from the girl in front of me. "Enjoy your meal!" I thank her and walk away. Luke was waiting for me and looks at me with a wide smile. He's so cute it's not funny anymore. How can someone be that pretty?

"Where do you want to sit?" I ask him. He shrugs and just walks to a table. It isn't really busy right now. Normally it's a bit more crowded in here, but it's quite nice right now. Not many people decided to eat at Mc Donald's at this time today.

We both take a seat opposite of each other and take our meals. I grab my chicken nuggets and start eating them right away. Luke cocks his eyebrows and laughs. 

"Oh you hungry now?"

"Sure am!" I say with my mouth full. Luke shakes his head with a laugh and starts eating as well. I look around a little, and then my eyes catch some people outside. They're all looking at us and when they see that I'm looking their eyes widen and they quickly turn around.

"I think some fans of you are outside," I mumble to Luke. He looks up from his food. "Heh, oh? Oh yeah, could be. They're all over the world. I think they've noticed us being in San Fransisco. I saw some people on Twitter, they know you live here and most of them think I'm here to visit you. Michael kind off told the world we're here."

I smile. "Of course he did. Doesn't even surprise me."

"That's what you get when you're the worst member of the band," he says with a smirk. "Oh is he? Who's the best one then?"

"Me, of course." He nods proudly. "Look at me, of course I'm the best member of the band."

Somehow that touches me. In the beginning of our friendship he told me he was the worst member, that no one loved him. Heck, he didn't even love himself. Luke was such in a bad place and look at him now.

He's loving the shit out of himself and it's amazing.

I can't be more happy with that. He really deserves the whole universe. So many people love him and think he's so talented. He has an amazing voice and is so kind to everyone. I'm really glad he finally knows that too.

"You sure are babe. You're the best."

He smiles. "Want to be the best together?"

I title my head a little to the side. "Together, is there a together between us?" His cheeks turn a little red and he nods. "Well, I was hoping there would be an us together, yes." He nods again and looks at me. 

My lips turn into a bright smile. "There sure is an us, if you want that too. I would love to."

"Of course, Jimi. Of course there is an us. We're better together anyway."

If you would tell me I would be asked to be Luke's girlfriend officially at Mc Donald's I would laugh at you and tell you that it's ridiculous. I mean, what guy asks his girl to be officially a couple at Mc Donald's? Well, Luke does, and I said yes. Because why not, this is a happy place after all.

And don't you lie to me, everyone wants to be asked to be someone's girlfriend while eating some chicken nuggets together.

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